日期:2020-05-13 23:21:03 来源:文章吧 阅读:


  《如何读诗》是一本由[英] 特里·伊格尔顿著作,北京大学出版社出版的平装图书,本书定价:40.00元,页数:255,特精心网络整理的一些读者读后感希望大家能有帮助













  哈罗德布鲁姆有一句很短且很通俗易懂的话: 读诗要成诗来读。 在我看来,诗歌文本之所以有魅力并且能够吸引人的原因是-----在诗学程度上而言诗歌作品是一种沉淀下来的精华艺术






































































































  伊格尔顿《爱德华·托马斯的<五十捆柴>》全文 中译本见陈太胜译的伊格尔顿《如何读诗》第六章《四首自然诗》

  Edward Thomas, ‘Fifty Faggots’

  The final work to examine is Edward Thomas’s ‘Fifty Faggots’, written early

  in the twentieth century:

  There they stand, on their ends, the fifty faggots

  That once were underwood of hazel and ash

  In Jenny Pinks’s Copse. Now, by the hedge

  Close packed, they make a thicket fancy alone

  Can creep through with the mouse and wren. Next Spring

  A blackbird or a robin will nest there,

  Accustomed to them, thinking they will remain

  Whatever is for ever to a bird.

  This Spring it is too late; the swift has come,

  ’Twas a hot day for carrying them up:

  etter they will never warm me, though they must

  Light several Winters’ fires. Before they are done

  The war will have ended, many other things

  Have ended, maybe, that I can no more

  Foresee or more control than robin and wren.

  It is a change to find a poet actually working in the midst of Nature. In Collins’s ‘Ode to Evening’ we see no signs of labour at all, and the poet’s stance to the landscape is purely contemplative. (Much the same is true of the novels of Jane Austen, which hardly ever portray anybody at work on the landed estates which form their backdrop.) Wordsworth is watching someone else working but not working himself, and the reaper’s labour is not the focus of his attention. The Hopkins poem is sharply critical of work upon the natural world, which it can see only as a form of ravage and pollution. In this poem, however, Nature is not a landscape to be surveyed but a working environ- ment to be engaged with. Work is the process by which human beings trans- form their natural environment in order to meet their needs, and Thomas makes no sentimental apology for hacking faggots (or bundles of firewood) from a copse. Country people need to keep warm in winter, and relate to Nature not primarily as an aesthetic object but in terms of its use-value. It is generally town-dwellers who gaze upon Nature as a timeless aesthetic spectacle, in what one might call the day-tripper view of the countryside. They do not typically see Nature as fuel and food – as something to eat as well as something to stare at. Whereas ‘Fifty Faggots’ is clearly a poem by someone who lives in a rural environment, knows his way around and names the landscape in familiar local terms (‘Jenny Pinks’s Copse’) rather than, like Collins, in the more exalted nomenclature of myth and allegory. Nature comes to us not ‘in itself’, but as socially mediated: Thomas is interested in the way it is woven through with human meanings and purposes, and not just human ones either: even the birds see Nature not as a reality in itself but as somewhere to nest. Even so, this is not a natural landscape which is centred on the human. ‘Man’ is not lord of all he surveys, appropriating what he wants from Nature with the consumerist lack of effort of a Wordsworth plucking memories like pansies as he wanders on his way. Thomas’s relationship to Nature is among other things one of sweat and struggle: carrying the faggots up to the hedge was an arduous business, which he tells us with a pleasant touch of wit has warmed him more than the fires that the wood is intended for ever will. Nature is not a blank text to be inscribed as the fancy takes you, but recalcitrant stuff with a life of its own. The closing lines of the piece – ‘. . . many other things / Have ended, maybe, that I can no more / Foresee or more control than robin and wren’ – ‘decentres’ the supposedly privileged nature of human consciousness by stressing its ignorance and fallibility, thus putting humanity on the side of the equally agnostic birds rather than raising it above them. ‘. . . that I can no more / Foresee or more control than robin and wren’ presumably means that the poet can no more foresee or control the future, or indeed events happening elsewhere in the present, than the birds can. But it is also possible to read ‘robin and wren’ as the objects of the verbs ‘foresee’ and ‘control’, so that the line comes to mean ‘I can no more foresee or control these events than I can foresee or control robin and wren.’ This involves some grammatical strain, since you can speak of foreseeing a disaster but not, normally, of foreseeing a bird. Yet this possible sense lingers within the more obvious mean- ing of the line, to suggest humanity’s lack of control or dominance over its surroundings, the way it cannot second-guess either the natural or the human processes at work around it. The human is also dislodged from any particularly exalted status within Nature by the poem’s quiet insistence on how alien natural things are to us, as well as how intimate. Humans and animals interact within the same con- text, as mice and wrens may creep through the faggots which the speaker has stacked, and birds will later come to nest in them. Yet they also inhabit their own quite separate time-schemes, worlds of meaning and spheres of activity, and the very interaction of these with each other shows up, ironic- ally, how different they are. A bird’s idea of eternity is inscrutable to us, though we can assume it is not the same as ours. Its comings and goings intersect with our own history and practice, but also cut through them like an alter- native universe. It is as though different worlds sit cheek by jowl, interrelated but non-interfering. Whereas natural landscapes are often seen as static and changeless, Thomas’s poem is alive with transformation. The faggots were once ‘under- wood of hazel and ash’, and will soon be consumed to ashes of a different kind. What looks like a static object is just a kind of snapshot or cross- section of a complex temporal process. A world which is actually a set of processes appears to us like a set of fixed objects. Stacked by the hedge, the bundles of firewood ‘make a thicket’, which (since thickets are fairly fixed features of a landscape) lends a kind of deceptive air of permanency to what is actually a bunch of sticks in transit from copse to winter fires. This, presumably, is how the mouse and the wren will treat it, just as the nesting blackbird and the robin will behave as though this ephemeral pile of timber has always been there and always will be. Even so, it is too late for what will happen next year to happen this year; the two temporal frames are disjoint. The speaker inhabits different time-schemes, too. The wood-carrying which took only a brief time to heat him up can be contrasted with the longer- term destiny of the faggots, one which will stretch the length of several winters. And this time-stream can be measured in turn against the great public time- frame known as political history, so that the First World War, in which Thomas fought and was killed, will be over before the faggots have been used up. It is odd to think of such a modest, local event as the consumption of firewood in an English village outlasting such a global narrative as the war. No grand totality of these various time-schemes appears possible: they do not seem to add up to some master-narrative which would make sense of them all. Instead, for Thomas as much as for Thomas Hardy, it is the ironic, contin- gent, purely random way they collide with each other which is most ima- ginatively compelling. Things exist in the present, but also, in a ghostly, indeterminate kind of way, in the future. They have a similarly hazy existence, through memory, in the past. Memory and anticipation are faculties which only human animals possess, furnished as they are with the power of imagination. Robins pre- sumably do not cherish fond memories of their infantile years, or blackbirds expect the farmer to return next Wednesday at ten minutes past three. Only an animal with language is able to do that. So the speaker knows more than mouse and wren, but much of what he knows concerns how much he doesn’t know. One might almost claim that human beings have consciousness in order to know what they don’t know. They are aware of their own ignorance and powerlessness, as birds presumably are not; and it is this alone, perhaps, which raises them above their fellow animals. Human beings live in the subjunctive mood, as well as in the indicative one. If the poet has an edge over the birds in knowing that there is such a thing as the future, he is nevertheless as ignorant as they are of what it might hold: ‘. . . many other things / Have ended, maybe’. ‘Things’ is significantly vague, and the fact that they have ended is by no means sure. So one cannot even be certain of events which have already taken place, let alone those still to come. Only the future will disclose whether something which might have ended in the present really has done so, so that once more we have a cross- ing and merging of time-streams, this time within human history itself. Projecting ourselves forward in imagination lends our lives an anxiety and instability to which blackbirds are immune. The present is hollowed out by the way it intimates a set of possible futures, just as it is overshadowed by the various pasts from which it evolved. Yet it is not quite that living in time robs us of solid self-identity in a way that can be contrasted with the replete- ness of the faggots. For they, too, as we have seen, have a history, and thus only an illusory self-completeness. The difference is rather that we live out the chancy, provisional nature of our history in the form of lack, desire and imagination, whereas the natural life-forms around us do not. The fleeting, open-ended nature of things, despite many a poetic cliché to the contrary, is not simply to be lamented. In fact, this poem is not neces- sarily lamenting it at all. Transience means among things that the war will not last for ever, even if the poet’s confidence that it will be over before the faggots are finished is somewhat at odds with his general agnosticism. Envisaging the future may make you dissatisfied with the present, but it may also prevent you from absolutising it. The ‘many other things’ that may have ended are not necessarily all positive. Just as a fugitive feature of the land- scape (the faggots) can be mistaken by a bird for a customary one, so aspects of a customary way may have vanished overnight with the military upheaval. But we should not conclude that this is all to be regretted. It is the sheer fact of ephemerality, rather than the specific losses and gains that it brings, that seems to preoccupy the poem. The piece is full of a sense of clashing per- spectives, ironic juxtapositions and relative standpoints. In this sense, its very form is ‘liberal’, questioning the kind of dogmatic rhetoric which was asso- ciated with the war itself. It makes a virtue out of not being sure, at the same time as its closing lines betray the insecurity which such a lack of assurance can breed. The mood of the poem, then, is not elegiac. In fact, Thomas is too busy thinking in these lines to indulge in any very intense emotion. It is hardly the kind of compliment one could pay to, say, Tennyson. The language of the work is low-key, businesslike and briskly anti-rhetorical. It accepts in its level-headed way the clashing, ironic, untotalisable nature of things, but it is not excessively stoical about it. The tone of the last few lines is matter-of- fact and a touch wry, rather than nostalgic. The poet himself intrudes on the scene he portrays only at a couple of points. Sensibility is subordinated to description. There is no deep subjectivity at stake here. Yet the sense of a poetic personality – ironic, unassuming, coolly realistic, really rather English – comes strongly through. It is a poem which, in an understated, self- effacing English way, refuses to flaunt its superbly accomplished technique.

  希尼的《爱德华·托马斯走在拉甘斯路上》 中译本见雷武铃译《区线与环线》

  Edward Thomas on the Lagans Road by Seamus Heaney

  He's not in view but I can hear a step

  On the grass-crowned road, the whip of daisy heads

  On the toes of boots.

  ehind the hedge

  Eamon Murphy and Teresa Brennan -

  Fully clothed, strong-arming each other -

  Have sensed him and gone quiet. I keep on watching

  As they rise and go.

  And now the road is empty.

  othing but air and light between their love-nest

  And the bracken hillside where I lie alone.

  Utter evening, as it was in the beginning,

  Until the remembered come and go of lovers

  rings on his long-legged self on the Lagans Road -

  Edward Thomas in his khaki tunic

  Like one of the Evans brothers out of Leitrim,

  Demobbed, 'not much changed', sandy moustached and freckled

  From being, they said, with Monty in the desert.

  · From District and Circle by Seamus Heaney, published by Faber


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