日期:2017-11-14 来源:文章吧 阅读:


  《资本主义:一个爱情故事》是一部由迈克尔·摩尔执导,迈克尔·摩尔 / 索拉·伯奇 / William Black主演的一部纪录片类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。


导演是个激情的爱国者,在呐喊出“I refuse to live in this country, and I'm not leaving"之后,呼吁"Do Something!"问题是:干什么呢?这年头,拜金主义已经培养了二十多年,你找人进电影院对你这片子感兴趣都不容易了,怎么还敢奢望大家做点儿什么。而且,能想着看这电影的,应该本身就很容易被煽动吧,因为有很大可能,观众和导演的基本观念已经比较一致了。所以要解决:做什么的问题。

  《资本主义:一个爱情故事》影评(二):Capitalism: A Story of Profit and Class Struggle

This film vividly reveals several fundamental problems of capitalism, among which are its alienating effect on labor, its dehumanizing bureaucracy, its consumerism, and crucially its profit-driven nature and the intensification of class struggles.
As Marx points out, capitalism, as a purely profit-driven system, arranges production and transaction aiming at the “restless never-ending process of profit-making” (Marx 1867, as cited in Edles and Appelrouth 2010). Commodities are produced not for their use-value but for their exchange-value. The basic formula for capital, M-C-M’, demonstrates that the circulation of money as capital is never-ending and is “an end in itself” (ibid). "Capitalism" emphasizes the “profit motive” through one of its old movie clips with an aside saying “here is the basis of the capitalistic system: the profit motive. He is in business to make money” (Moore 2010). Wallace Shawn, as a guest in the film, expresses another feature of the M-C-M’ formula by saying that “if you have things, you can easily get more things”, which means that with enough money, presumably from primitive accumulation, one can easily invest, produce and reap profit from exploiting workers. In contrast, the formula for the propertyless, C-M-C, starts from selling one’s labor as commodity and ends at purchasing commodities to fulfil one’s basic needs at existence level, minimizing the possibility of accumulating wealth. These two modes of transaction mark the gap between the two classes – the bourgeoisie and the proletariat – and generates tension between them.
In order to maximize profit, capitalists usually take what Weber calls “instrumental-rational action”, gearing towards “the efficient pursuit of goals through calculating the advantages and disadvantages associated with the possible means for realizing them” (Edles and Appelrouth 2010). For example, Moore observes that during Reagan administration, there was massive downsizing to gain “short-term profits and to destroy the unions” (Moore 2010). General Motor’s lobbyist Tom Kay claims that GM eliminated a large number of jobs to stay competitive and it would eliminate more jobs if necessary. Budros (1997) argues that downsizing is a fundamental feature of “new capitalism” and that there are two explanations for the adoption of downsizing programs among Fortune 100 firms from 1979 to 1994. The first draws on the classic organization theory and states that corporations downsize in response to deteriorating economic conditions so they are able to operate efficiently. Budros (1997), on the other hand, concludes from some previous studies on downsizing that “downsizings generally have deleterious organizational (financial) and human consequences”; but because downsizing is viewed by stakeholders as necessary and effective, corporations adopt downsizing programs out of “social rationality” to gain organizing resources and thus to increase profit. Both explanations link the practice of downsizing to making profit, one directly and the other one indirectly.
Another profit-seeking rational-instrumental action is the establishment of PA Child Care, a private juvenile detention facility in Pennsylvania as a replacement for the pubic one. The judges and the owners of PA Child Care effectively obtained money by locking teenagers in jail, many of whom were unjustly convicted. Some corporations also make a profit of the death of their employees, by purchasing life insurance for the employees and naming the company as the beneficiary. The film also points out that the pilots’ salaries are cut to a minimal amount, so low that many of them have to use food stamps or even donate plasma. Lowering the cost of labor is a means to increase or maintain profit.
All of the actions and strategies described above are profit-oriented, reflecting the nature of capitalism. At the same time, they are very effective in achieving the goal, with rational calculation and manipulation; but they are not necessarily ethical or legal, often contributing to the wealth accumulation of the bourgeoisie by sacrificing the proletariat. The increasingly unequal distribution of wealth exacerbates the class struggle, as Hankers in the film comments, there is likely to be "some kind of rebellion between the people that have nothing and the people that's got it all". Massive downsizing and in general the shift from long-term stable employment to short-term temporary employment in this new economy (Leicht and Fitzgerald 2013) make it increasingly difficult to secure a stable job with decent payment and benefits for average Americans. In Capitalism, the workers from Republic Windows & Doors were laid off and didn’t get their owed money. Imprisonment is clearly a traumatic experience for the teenagers and their family. The inadequate wage of pilots leads to the miserable living conditions and unpromising career prospects for pilots, and safety risks for passengers. One of the “condom vultures” openly admits that what they do is to go in to the housing market and "take advantage of other's misfortunes" (Moore 2010). “Dead peasants” insurance involves deception of employees, generation of mistrust, and the use of the employee’s life as a means to profit (Nurnberg and Lackey 2008). Furthermore, as Spurgin (2003) argues, it generates “competing interests that call into question corporations' abilities to fulfill their duties to employees”, including providing safe working conditions, hiring qualified employees, and providing meaningful work. If some employees are “more valuable dead to a company than alive”, as the Michael Myers, the local attorney who devotes himself in corporate-owned life insurance, suggests in the film, corporations might prefer their employees to die “in accordance to the policy projections”, rather than fulfilling their duties as employers.
This rational yet unsympathetic, means-to-ends approach is criticized and caricatured by Moore in a fake religious scene, where Jesus becomes a capitalist, refuses to cure "preexisting conditions" of the sick unless payments are made, and advocates the deregulation of the banking system. Here rationality is portrayed at its extremity, leading to disenchantment and indifference, as efficient and manageable as it may be.
Another demonstration of rationality and bureaucracy is when the VIP guy from Countrywide, when asked whether he felt he bribed those VIP people—which is exactly what he did—he said no and explained that “if I didn’t do it, somebody else would have been doing it”. For Weber, this lack of autonomy results from the efficient yet dehumanized bureaucratic system, where each individual is only “a small cog in a ceaselessly moving mechanism which prescribes to him an essentially fixed route of march” (Weber 1925). Thus this person’s feeling of powerlessness and irrelevance is an honest reflection of his situation, where he cannot influence the corporation as a bureaucratic system. For Marx, this would be an example of alienation, where the worker is estranged from the production process – he doesn’t participate in decision making – and from his own products – the services he provided to the VIP people do not belong to him, but to his boss.
Alienation manifests in another, less explicit situation in the film. When the laid-off worker from Republic Windows & Doors says “my life revolves around this job. I live according to my obligation to my job, you know? And it's not just me, it's all of the workers here", although he means to highlight the stark contrast between his loyalty to the company and the company’s indifference to him, his alienation from the products, from the production process and from himself is obvious. Another worker mentions that the company’s bankruptcy is not their fault, since they do not make decisions and all they have done is producing windows and doors. This is their reason for disclaiming responsibility of the company’s unsuccessful investment, and it is also evidence for their non-participation in decision-making of the production process and estrangement from their products. More importantly, because his life revolves around this job and his very human essence is defined by this job, “it is only as a worker that he continues to maintain himself as a physical subject” (Marx 1844, as cited in Edles and Appelrouth 2010).
Another problem of capitalism that the film reveals is consumerism. Moore employs a clip of President Jimmy Carter warning the American people of consumerism: “Too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns". Material goods, as Weber observes, have gained “an increasing and finally inexorable power over the lives of men” (Weber 1904) and thus the care for external goods becomes part of “an iron cage” (ibid). Marx uses the term “commodity fetishism” to describe the same phenomenon, and argues that the defining power of commodities stems from the opaque social relations among producers and consumers. With the social relationships, human labor and exploitation all hidden behind the exchange of money and objects, the value of commodities appear to be objective and natural. Consequently, consumers are unlikely to become fully aware of the true nature of commodities: products produced for their exchange value, which is an expression of human labor.
In Marx’s view, these problems are inevitable, since capital comes to the world “dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt” (Marx 1867). The very nature and ultimate goal of capitalism, profit seeking, serves as an everlasting source of its problems. For Weber, the trend towards rationalization also seems irresistible. The fact that both traditional domination and charismatic domination tend to end up as rational domination illustrates how powerful and irresistible rational organization is.
Budros, Art. 1997 "The new capitalism and organizational rationality: The adoption of downsizing programs, 1979–1994." Social Forces 229-250.
Edles, Laura Desfor. and Scott Appelrouth. 2010. Sociological Theory in the Classical Era: Text and Readings. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Leicht, Kevin T. and Scott T. Fitzgerald. 2013. Middle Class Meltdown in America: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies. Routledge.
Marx, Karl. 1867. Capital. Vol.1. Marxists Internet Archive. Retrieved October 19, 2016 (https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch31.htm).
Moore, Michael. 2010. "Capitalism: A Love Story" [videorecording] Beverly Hills, CA: Anchor Bay Entertainment.
Nurnberg, Hugo and Douglas P. Lackey. 2008. “Ethical Reflections on Company-Owned Life Insurance.” Journal of Business Ethics 845-854. doi:10.1007/s10551-007-9472-7
Spurgin, Earl W. 2003. “The Problem with ‘Dead Peasants’ Insurance.” Business & Professional Ethics Journal, 19–36.
Weber, Marx. 1904. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, translated by Talcott Parsons. New York: Charles Scriber’s Sons.
Weber, Marx. 1925. “Bureaucracy”. Economy and Society, edited by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich. Berkeley: University California Press 956-1005

  《资本主义:一个爱情故事》影评(三):A love story between a sheep and a wolf

As is described in the "Second Bill of Rights" by Roosevelt, we people ought be own:
the right of a descent job,
the right of an adequate and deserved wage,
the right of the general health care
the right of a house
the right of the education
the right of the pension
and, maybe of course, like the right of a 4-week paid holiday.
that's what the middle class wants. and these are the people who are the most descent, cultivated, affectionate, philanthropic, willing to do charity ones. According to morality system, to religion and belief, to the wise words of our ancient greatest souls, these people bears the most advanced and civilized merits, thereby, logically should be leading our society.
However, they are now being the sheep, exploited and killed by the greedy and cruel wolves. how this happen? well, a lot of reasons, and Michael just showed it really clear in the movie. Basically, they are making use of the dark side of human nature, they are manipulating the fools while fooling the wise. the influencing power, the ability to manipulating people, is the most terrible and powerful ability! It's the human world, you can do anything with the support of most people even for the darkest deals. and you will accomplish nothing if you cannot get the support of people even if you know it is right.(Creepy, sounds like we are not far away from the time of Copernicus.)
I love Michael's way of explicitly pointing out the darkness of Capitalism, and i love his passion in taking action to be against it and influencing other people to be joining him. I love him as an artist, a humanist and a middle class.
but for Capitalism, whether it's good or not? i don't know and i can't tell. for humanist, socialism is perfect. Care about people is the core rule of it. but if that's really good, then why within a hundred years, not even one country has succeed in it. So till now, can i claim it's just a theory. Socialism brings about a even middle class society, but obviously dampen the pace of economy, science evolve, which turns to be the standard of living. Maybe at sometime when human wealth has reached some degree that greedy and endless started to disappear from human nature will Socialism truly become practical. Yet I doubt that ever gonna happen. those dark side will always sit in human nature, so as those merits.
while neither -ism can help us out, i truly believe a great government, or more precisely, a great and descent leader of the country can save us. Li guang yao, the former president of Singapore, sets a very good example. to boost the economy and level up the living standard of people faster, he uses Capitalism well. At the same time, he prioritized education and ware fare. it's Singapore's luck to have this kind of leader. yes, it's lucky. and it's rare.
Roosevelt sets a great goal, but unfortunately he didn't wait to reach it. In fact, hundreds of years past, none of us did. So as a middle class myself, i will not rely on the government to save me. instead, to earn myself the set of the rights, i will equip myself to fit and take advantage of the game rules.
see? i have become one of the sheep, reluctant to rebel, believe that i can somehow become a smart sheep that can share the fruit from the wolves. See how hard it is for the revolutionist? by the least use of the manipulating skills of those wolves, the sheep is prone to fall again..


    但是,他们失恋了,深深扎根于心中的American dream原来是如此的不堪一击,电视上、海报上典型的其乐融融一家人,有房有车有pet,在自家的庭院里带孩子遛小狗的美丽场景,随着经济的泡沫一起幻灭。
    这样就不难理解为什么华尔街巨头们号称too big to fall了。在如此之大的经济危机面前,华尔街的金融企业必定首当其冲,甚至面临一蹶不振的颓势。但是这时候美国政府出面了,像耶稣救世一般,启动了7000亿美元经济救助计划,要拯救美国经济,必定要拯救华尔街,作为美国金融企业的头狼,在金融风暴这场大灾难中,华尔街是战争策源地,也必定成为大战主战场。
    但是毕竟触动的是美国中产阶级的利益,他们是社会的主流,大部分人的利益受损这个国家必定也不得安宁。金融危机带来的各个方面的萧条,是比20世纪30年代的Great Depression 还要严重的。他们失恋了,恋着的是资本主义和美国梦,是扎根于美国人心中的东西。如同深爱着的人离你而去,美国人肯定要陷入低谷,难过好久。


Michael Moore is a moron, period. 一开始打了三星,最后发现只能打一星,给导演的厚脸皮。
整部电影都在说特么资本家掠夺了我们,华尔街夺走我们的房子,夺走我们的工作,造成金融危机,拿了政府的钱然而厚着脸皮给自己发奖金。没错,华尔街是有问题,但是如果没有7000亿(其实最后4000多亿)的救市资金,全世界绝对会是1929年的重演,吃瓜群众难道更希望第三次世界大战?!何况这4000多亿后来都被美联储收回了,还小赚了一笔,这块钱绝对没有掠夺美国人民。至于后来的QE的确买了很多有毒资产,美联储资产负债表猛增那就是另说了。不管Hank Paulson在他当CEO的时候有多讨厌,但是在解决危机上面绝对要点赞。让这些民粹主义的家伙去解决金融危机,只能让我们陷入更深的危机。热血解决不了问题。无知且简单粗暴地骂华尔街掠夺了我们,却根本不懂背后到底发生了什么,跟骂街的泼妇有什么区别。

  《资本主义:一个爱情故事》影评(六):反对Michael Moore的观点!

感觉这个人太偏激了。这个电影一开始说一堆families losing their homes,MM就说银行怎么能这样呢还是不是人呀!但他只看到了事情的结果,从来没有想过这些人为什么会还不起钱,还不是因为这些市民本来就没有能力去负款但是还是去贷款买房,结果傻眼了吧!然后说的是privatized jail,一个company跟court合作赚钱,但又没有想过在资本制度下,这是可以改变一个企业的积极性的?后来他又谈到companies通过给employees insurances,等他们死了赚钱,MM就说这简直没人性!拜托!!!从公司的角度想想好么!你身为我公司里的一名employee你就是我的asset啊,你要是哪天挂了那当然也对我造成损失呀,我可不得上个保险么!







  《资本主义:一个爱情故事》影评(八):Capitalism – A Love Story






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