《The Intelligent Investor》读后感10篇
日期:2022-05-16 02:07:43 来源:文章吧 阅读:

《The Intelligent Investor》读后感10篇

  《The Intelligent Investor》是一本由Benjamin Graham / Jason Zweig著作,HarperBusiness出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 22.99,页数:640,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Intelligent Investor》读后感(一):门外汉只看结论








  a) 要有足够规模,〉$2billion

  ) 要有强的经济实力,资产>2*债务

  c) 收益稳定

  d) 看分红情况

  e) 收益有增长,10年增长〉1/3

  f) 适度的P/E, <= 15*ave(过去3年收益)

  g) 适度的P/B, <1.5

  《The Intelligent Investor》读后感(二):今天,这本书可能被高估了

  前言中,巴菲特写到要想获得长期投资的成功,“What's needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework. This book precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. You must supply the emotional discipline.”

  从我自己的阅读来看,这本书恰恰没有“precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework”,而是帮助我“supply the emotional discipline.”



  第一是Cunningham整理的《The Essays of Warren Buffett》,

  第二是Seth Klarman写的《Margin of Safety》

  我没有说The Intelligent Investor不好,但是在今天(注意,是在今天),可能被高估了,也可能是有很多有价值的内容我还没读出来。

  《The Intelligent Investor》读后感(三):聪明的投资者版本信息整理


  一、《聪明的投资者(the intelligent investor)》的版本

  《聪明的投资者(the intelligent investor)》总共有5个版本,分别为:

  1.1949年——第一版(First Edition)

  2.1954年——第二版(New Revised Edition )

  3.1959年——第三版(Second Revised Edition)

  4.1965年——第四版(Third Revised Edition)

  5.1973年——第五版(Fourth Revised Edition)

  二、《聪明的投资者(the intelligent investor)》中文版各版本介绍


  共出过三个版次,根据内容来看,这三本这个版本应该属于1965年版,即第四版(Third Revised Edition)。





  此版本因为未获得授权,所以是《科学与财富》出版社以内部学习资料名义出版的,这一本是以1973年的版本翻译的,即第五版(Fourth Revised Edition)。






  本文谨希望对有兴趣阅读《聪明的投资者(the intelligent investor)》一书的人起到一定的参考作用。

  《The Intelligent Investor》读后感(四):Are you an intelligent investor?

  With the unprecedented boom both in industry and in economy in China, enormously large amount of individuals spurred to set foot in financial market. It is no exaggeration that most of the people, including some business administration or economics majored graduates, lack experience of investment.

  Virtually all of us long for the life of financial freedom, indicating the life of high quality without working, whereas merely few of us have acquired the methods of it. Investment, to some extent, helps us come closer to the object. The book written by Benjamin Graham precisely talks about the investor’s attitudes and investment principles. Graham was not only one of the best investors who ever lived, but also the greatest practical investment thinker of all time. Combining his extraordinary intellectual powers with profound common sense and vast experience, Graham developed his core principles, which are still valid today.

  Graham laid much emphasis on traits investors need to cultivate since he regarded it as the most vital part when investing. According to his words, investors need to be patient, disciplined and eager to learn. They must also be able to harness emotions and think for themselves. This discipline can be applied to our daily life as well owing to its profound meaning. Only by doing things step by step can we finish the assignments perfectly. Only the well-organized people who also have a strong thirst for knowledge are likely to learn things thoroughly. Thus we’d better keep this discipline in mind for it genuinely benefit us a lot.

  While the view that the art of successful investment lies first in the choice of those industries that are most likely to grow in the future and then in identifying the most promising companies in these industries has long been prevalent, paradoxically, obvious prospects for physical growth in a business do not translate into obvious profits for investors. A stock does not become a sound investment merely because of its optimistic future. The investor should demand, in addition, a stock price that is close to its asset value, a satisfactory ratio of earnings to price, a sufficiently strong financial position, and the prospect that its earnings will at least be maintained over the years. Hence, we can easily acknowledge that it is of paramount importance to conduct research of the companies before we bought its stock. Since comparatively flourishing business always issue share which is dependable, we can judge our company from the perspective of stock as well.

  In a nutshell, Graham suggested the investors to establish the proper mental and emotional attitudes toward their investment decisions and to weigh the company’s tangible-asset value and their net-asset value. Additionally, he advocated a conservative and defensive investment policy when investing.

  As business administration majored college students, we can use our specialized knowledge to analyze a company’s operation condition to help us earn profits in the financial market. More essentially, the same criteria should logically be applied in testing the effectiveness of a company’s management and the soundness of its attitude toward the owners of the business. It is believed that only good managements produce a good average market price, and vice versa. Therefore, we need to spare no efforts to organize and operate our business well, as well as to establish an appreciated and satisfactory price level for our shareholders when we start our own business in the near future.

  《The Intelligent Investor》读后感(五):如何不当一个“愚蠢的投资者”




  书中的道理浅显,但不容易深刻领会。Simple but not easy. 总之我不太喜欢“华尔街教父”这个略嫌恭维的名号,对投资大师格雷厄姆的尊敬,更多地来源于他投资生涯中对商业社会里人性的把握,不论是他自己还是组成整个市场的投资者们。


  《The Intelligent Investor》读后感(六):过程远比结论重要的多




  《The Intelligent Investor》读后感(七):无聊之极,有理之至

  这本书与市场上流行的其他投资经典(如Peter Lynch的One up on wall street)相比语言晦涩干燥,辞藻里更透露着这是一本古老的著作。全书我觉得可以总结为四个字:忠言逆耳。

  如果说要说本书可以汲取的硬知识的话,那就是注重一个公司的intrinsic value. 这是基本面分析的最基本的但也是最容易被现在的投资者所忘记的。


  另外我觉得作为一个投资者,最最重要的一点事做一个happy investor,而不是intelligent,享受投资这个过程,这才是我们应该做的啊。当然,想要享受投资,第一个要点就是不能把影响到自己生活质量的数量的资金投入到股市。


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