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  • 最新的《吸血鬼日记》经典语录
    1、Stefan·salvatore(斯特凡·塞尔瓦托):你恨我吗 Caroline·forbes(卡洛琳·福布斯):是的,我恨你,因为我不恨你,就只能恨我自己毁了我们的友谊,我不该沦落至此,所以,我只能恨你。 ----卡洛琳·福布斯 2、He has that romance novel stare. 3、Trust i...
  • 《吸血鬼日记》经典台词大全
    1、I lost control today. 今天我失控了 2、Trust is the key to any relationship. 两个人交往信任是最重要的 3、I’ll help you, whatever it takes.无论如何我都会帮你 4、He has that romance novel stare. 5、平庸的人生很可怕。 6、Always have a back...
  • 《吸血鬼日记》经典名句大全
    1、平庸的人生很可怕。 2、You know what‘s waiting for you,An eternity of torment,agony,and grief.And you feel it all.你知道等待你的是什么,永恒的折磨,苦恼和悲痛。你全部要感受。 ----达蒙 3、If you keep pushing people away , youre gonna end...
  • 最经典的《吸血鬼日记》好段摘抄
    1、我爱你,因为我爱你所以我不能对你自私,为什么你不知道这些,我配不上你…但是我的弟弟能.上帝,我希望你不要忘记。但是你必须忘记。 2、We had ups and downs,we fought. We changed,both of us. We grew,and we grew apart. But that is real. I mean,...
  • 最全的《吸血鬼日记》佳句摘抄
    1、He‘s your first love, I intend to be your last, however long it takes. 他是你的初恋,而我想做你最后一个,无论等多久。 2、Thats why people treat you like an object and not like a person 3、The only way to find another is to let go and m...
  • 最经典的《吸血鬼日记》语录摘抄
    1、You have two options,Stefan.你有两个选择,斯特凡 You either deal with this now, or youre run.你要么现在面对它,要么就逃跑 And either way, its gonna catch up to you.但不管选哪一种,它都会找上你 ----吸血鬼日记 2、I love you, and its becau...
  • 最新的《吸血鬼日记》电影台词大全
    1、For over a century,I have lived in secret,Hiding in the shadows,Alone in the world,Until now,I know the risk,But i had no choice,I have to know her.过去的一个多世纪,我都秘密地活着,藏身暗处,独自一人。直到现在,我知道这很冒险,但我别无...
  • 《吸血鬼日记》经典的句子
    1、当有人问“你好吗”,其实他并不想知道答案。 2、All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it.I need it.你唯一能做的就是等待好事降临,当他们降临,你邀请它们进来,因为你需要它们。我需要它们...
  • 最新的《吸血鬼日记》佳句摘抄大全
    1、I lost control today. 今天我失控了 2、You have two options,Stefan.你有两个选择,斯特凡 You either deal with this now, or youre run.你要么现在面对它,要么就逃跑 And either way, its gonna catch up to you.但不管选哪一种,它都会找上你 ----吸...
  • 《吸血鬼日记》好段摘抄大全
    1、I predict this is going to a year to kick ass. 2、All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it.I need it.你唯一能做的就是等待好事降临,当他们降临,你邀请它们进来,因为你需要它们。我需要...