《烦恼的牧师 第一季》好看吗?经典影评锦集
日期:2021-02-19 23:08:29 来源:文章吧 阅读:

《烦恼的牧师 第一季》好看吗?经典影评锦集

  《烦恼的牧师 第一季》是一部由彼得·卡坦纽执导,汤姆·霍兰德 / 奥利维娅·科尔曼主演的一部喜剧类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《烦恼的牧师 第一季》精选点评:


  ●牧师到底也是人 会抽烟 会喝酒 会讲脏话 会偷东西 会......


  ●尴尬人难免遇尴尬事,and yet there's some melancholy, reality and warmth to it all at the same time. PS:小矮哥是大萌物,心!

  ●沒看到第三集很容易棄劇;各種黑,Richard Dawkins,Evangelical, China, black people,Muslim, Roman Catholic Church, ......;最後一集party那裡笑倒。。。


  ●忽略字幕 这也是一部囧片!




  《烦恼的牧师 第一季》影评(一):《烦恼的牧师》:生活在尼尼微











  亚当面临的挑战不仅是每天琐碎不妙的现实,还有自己无处不在的野心和私心。他想过上电视,成为一个一呼百应、大众明星式的的牧师,在BBC一套面对上万的全国观众,而不是自己教会里三五会众。他也想过游离,不再将自己的生活成为一种公众下的展览,不必穿着提醒自己身份的牧师袍到处走(即使是在考察色情酒吧时)。在第一季的最后一集里,亚当陷入了彻底的信仰危机之中,就像吉米•克里夫的歌词:Many rivers to cross, but I can’t seem to find my way over…


  《烦恼的牧师 第一季》影评(二):Louis MacNeice ——Fanfare for the Makers

  Fanfare for the Makers

  A cloud of witnesses. To whom? To what?

  To the small fire that never leaves the sky.

  To the great fire that boils the daily pot.

  To all the things we are not remembered by,

  Which we remember and bless.

  To all the things

  That will not notice when we die,

  Yet lend the passing moment words and wings.

  o fanfare for the Makers: who compose

  A book of words or deeds who runs may write

  As many who do run, as a family grows

  At times like sunflowers turning towards the light.

  As sometimes in the blackout and the raids

  One joke composed an island in the night.

  As sometimes one man’s kindness pervades

  A room or house or village

  as sometimes

  Merely to tighten screws or sharpen blades

  Can catch a meaning, as to hear the chimes

  At midnight means to share them, as one man

  In old age plants an avenue of limes

  And before they bloom can smell them, before they span

  The road can walk beneath the perfected arch,

  The merest greenprint when the lives began

  Of those who walk there with him, as in default

  Of coffee men grind acorns, as in despite

  Of all assaults conscripts counter assault,

  As mothers sit up late night after night

  Moulding a life, as miners day by day

  Descend blind shafts, as a boy may flaunt his kite

  In an empty nonchalant sky

  as anglers play their fish

  as workers work and can take pride

  In spending sweat before they draw their pay.

  As horsemen fashion horses while they ride,

  As climbers climb a peak because it is there,

  As life can be confirmed even in suicide:

  To make is such. Let us make. And set the weather fair.

  《烦恼的牧师 第一季》影评(三):牧师——生而烦恼




  I’m sorry, my lord, that was wrong. I shouldn’t have talked about people’s arses like that. It was a grotesque succession of images. I’m just finding everything a bit difficult. “On your knees, avoid the fees.” How did I get into this situation. I’m supposed to walk with the broken, aren’t I? Not horse trade with an admittedly rather pretty headmistress, that toxic MP and Gemma the barmaid. And why do you want me to be a fundraiser the whole time? Why have you given me this huge crumbling building, and now this window to deal with? It’s such a burden. Let’s face it, it’s not a terribly good window really, is it? Speak to me, Lord, your servant listens.


  Dear Lord, if you don’t mind me bringing this up. Could you give me energy in bed.? I’m so exhausted all the time and it’s not fair on Alex. She deserves to be happy. Please help me get my numbers uo. Why do you make finance such a constant daily issue for us. Shouldn’t I be spreading your word and building the kingdom, rather than worrying about money. I gather wine’s a good investment at the moment and property in Bulgaria, and I hope you don’t find the size of my flock insultingly small. If you’ve got any ideas on how to fill this place. I’d love to hear them.


  Dear Lord, I haven’t got long, but can I ask you to offer some protection to Colin? I know he’s testing, but I’m worried he may be about to get a kicking from this lead gang and he was only trying to do good in his own way. And can I thank you for bringing Faiza and the Muslims into my church? Or is it wrong of me to do that? Was their arrival down to you? And why was I holding a jazz mag? Is this all heresy? I’m not sure, but I found their clear moral values inspiring, and it’s given me some sort of certainty for once and I like that feeling. And please give me strength for my trip to Cheeky’s, and what I’m about to confront.


  Dear Lord, thank you so much for letting me overcome my stupid jealousy and resentment about Roland. It’s a real lesson in the power of forgiveness. I thought he had everything I wanted, but he is so miserable, the poor chap. I love that story he told about Salman Rushdie in the Turkish Bath. That was very funny. Yeah, it’s true what everyone says. He is very funny. I hope we can go to Portofino and go on that Russian bloke’s boat like he suggested. That would be really great. I really hope he meant that. I think he did, and who’d have guessed I’d end up doing Thought for the Day thanks to him. It’s very exciting. Thank you. Rolie. I was wrong, you are marvellous, and thank you, Lord, its’s a wonderful opportunity. I must get it right this time.


  Loneliness. It’s not a barrel of laughs, is it? I mean, I try to be all things to all people - accepting, friendly, a shoulder to cry on, but I still end up being invisible. Mr Cellphane. Well, the Reverend Cellphane. Is that right, Lord? Is that a perk of the job? Where other people get company cars and Blackberrys, I get isolation and loneliness. Or maybe I’m just a little bit rubbish. Maybe I’m just your typical boring church of England figurehead. I know you’re meant to be my best friend, Lord, but I wouldn’t mind one in human form, as well, preferably living in London for easy access. Speak to me, Lord.

  orry, God. I just can’t believe she went out with that arsehole. This is pathetic. Come on, grow up. It’s ridiculous we’re not talking to each other due to this. Of course Alex has a sexual past. I know that. In fact, I even like that. I just don’t particularly want my face rubbed in it, thanks. If that’s ok, I mean, what on earth did she see in him? It’s not his brains and personality, is it? Oh, I’m being jealous. I’m sorry, Lord, its’ weak, but it hurts. I think I’d just rather that my lovely wife’s previous partners turned out to be fascinating people with interesting diplomatic careers in remote places rather than Leon, the leery geezer bloke who I thought was my new friend.


  Are you there, God? If so, just a couple of questions. Why do you allow there to be kids who don’t know what World War Two is? Why did you sent that reviewer on my one bad day? Is that what I deserve? Why is the graveyard strewn with litter? Why do Nazis always live till they’re 96? Why are there no more bumblebees? Why do African woman get raped everyday by boy soldiers going to get water for their starving village?


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