日期:2022-05-20 02:05:59 作者:小胖 来源:我预测 阅读:



  又到了每年1月口语题库新题季的时间,小胖在第一时间为各位烤鸭送来了前方烤鸭的战报。汇总了这几天出现的雅思口语Part1、Part2 新题+旧题重现+高频旧题




  P2-407 改善设施 [新题]

  Describe a public facility that you think need improvements。

  You should say:

  What it is

  Why you went there

  What parts you dislike it

  How you can improve it


  1,Public places be free or not.

  2,Difference between the young and the old when choosing places to hang out

  3,Advantages of living in cities

  4,Advantages of living in the countryside.

  P2-408 特殊外出 [新题]

  Describe a special day out when you go out but didn’t spend much money

  You should say:

  1, when and where this happened

  2, what did you do

  3,who were there with you

  4, And explain why it was special


  1,People prefer go out or stay indoor today?

  2,What will people do in a day out

  3, Young people go out more or old people, why?

  4, The place where Chinese people like to go out most?

  5, In general, do people like going out alone or with friends?

  P2-409 校园趣事 [新题]

  Describe something interesting happened in your school

  You should say:

  What it is

  Where it happened

  Who were there

  And explain how you felt about it


  1,What courses will be added in your high school

  2, What courses will be helpful in the future work

  3, Will it be more effective to read online than books.

  4, What do students do after school in your country

  P2-410 历史时期 [新题]

  Describe a special period of time in history in your country

  You should say:

  When was this

  What happened during this period

  Who played an important role during this time of period

  And explain why it was special


  1, Do people in your country like history?

  2, What can people learn from history?

  3,Is history important to you?

  4, Are students interested in history in your country?

  P2-411 好话时刻 [新题]

  Describe one time some one say good words about what you have done?

  You should say:

  When was this happened

  What did you do

  What did this person say

  And explain how you felt about it


  1, Do people in your country like to give other people compliment?

  2, Do you think children need encouragement?

  3, Whether it is necessary to punish children?

  4, Do adult need feedback on their work?

  5, Which one do you think it more important? Encouragement or punishment?

  P2-412 喜爱科技 [新题]

  Describe a piece of technology you like using(not computer).

  You should say:

  What is it

  How did you learn about it

  How often do you use it

  And explain why you like it


  1, What is the most common technology used by Chinese people, and the second most?

  2, Any other places that need technology?

  3, Does the technology has any advantages and disadvantages?

  4, What kind of technologies are popular in China?

  5, Does it possible to live without technology?

  P2-413 受众之人 [新题]

  Describe a popular person

  Who is he or she

  When and where will you see

  How do you think about him/her

  And explain the reason why he or she is popular?

  P2-414 重要河流 [新题]

  Describe an important river/lake in your country?

  You should say:

  What is this river called

  How do you know about it

  How long/big is it

  And explain why is it important

  P2-415 想住国家 [新题]

  Describe a city or country you want to live the most in the future.

  You should say:

  What is it

  Where is it located

  Why you like it

  P2-416 学到知识 [新题]

  Describe something you learned in a place/from a person.

  You should say:

  What you learned

  When did this happen

  Where was it/who taught you

  How difficult was it to learn

  P2-417 家庭访客 [新题]

  Describe a visitor in your home

  You should say:

  Who was this visitor

  When did he/she visit your home

  Why did he/she come to visit

  And explain whether you like him/her or not

  P2-418 近来发展 [新题]

  Describe a recent development in your city

  You should say:

  What it is

  How could it help people

  What benefits it could bring

  And explain whether it changes your life or not

  P2-419 校外技能 [新题]

  Describe a skill which is important but not learned in school or at work.

  You should say:

  What is the skill

  How to learn it

  Is it hard to learn it

  And explain why it is important

  P2-420 重要时刻 [新题]

  Describe an important event to celebrate(personal important events

  You should say:

  What is it

  When did it happen

  Do you prefer to celebrate it with a group or people

  And explain how you felt about it

  3, National events

  How people celebrate public events

  P2-421 想去城镇 [新题]

  Describe a place in your city that you would like to visitYou should say:Where it isWhat people do thereHow you know itAnd explain why you want to go there

  P2-422 难忘一餐 [新题]

  Describe a time you had an unforgettable meal

  You should say:

  When was it

  Where you had the meal

  What happened during the meal

  And explain why it was unforgettable

  P2-423 难忘照片 [新题]

  Describe a photo that you remember well

  You should say:

  What’s in it

  When it was taken

  Who took that photo

  And explain why you remember it so well

  P1-139 job 职业 [新题]

  1,What job you want to do when you are child?

  2,What job you want to do when you grow up?

  3,Will it change as time goes by?

  4, Have you once work part time or full name?


  Mobile and Computer App [新题]

  1,What app do you usually use?

  2,What app do you hope to have?

  3,Do you want to make an app by your own.

  P1-141 体育锻炼 Physical exercise [新题]

  1,Will you do physical exercise?

  2,What kind of physical exercise do you like?

  3,Will you keep doing physical exercise in the future?


  374 重要植物

  Describe an important plant in your country(such as fruits, flowers or vegetables) that you like.

  You should say:

  What it is;

  What it looks like;

  Where it grows;

  And explain why you like it.


  Do people in your country like growing plants by themselves?

  Where do you people grow plants?

  What do you think is the most important plant in your country?

  What is the main plant in your country?

  Do you want to be a farmer in the future?

  What do you think of the farmer?

  341 家乡美景

  Describe a favorite part of your city or hometown

  You should say:

  Where this place is

  When you like to visit

  What you like to do

  And explain why you often visit this place 

  82 礼貌场合

  Describe an occasion when you must be polite

  You should say:

  What the occasion was

  Where it was

  Who was with you

  And explain why you had to be polite

  9 礼物

  1.Do you ever give people gifts?

  2.Do you ever receive gifts?

  3.Do you prefer receiving a gift or giving a gift?

  4.who did you last give a gift to?

  64 睡眠

  1.How long do you usually sleep every day?

  2.How long do you think an adult should sleep?

  3.Is it good to take a nap after lunch each day?

  4.Do you have any habit before sleeping?

  16 户外运动

  1.Do you like outdoor activities?

  2.How often do you do that ?

  3.What outdoor activities do you like to do?

  4.Do you people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?


  Part 2

  93 江河湖海  174 搬家换校  170 喜爱照片

  17 听讲故事  83 历史事件  307 共进晚餐

  61 特殊一餐  132 迟到经历  225 体育明星

  194 攒钱购物  356 未来假期  8 助人为乐

  135 青少年  23 时间管理  390 崇拜商人

  402 渊博之人  239 优质服务  57 一则广告

  38 电视节目  397 教学经验  14 理想房屋

  233 开车旅行  388 居家家具  403 科学科目

  134 好父母  87 著名人物  84 科学课堂

  400 人少景点  405 工作建议  391 传统产品

  24 花园公园  398 娱乐设施  162 音乐圣地

  133 广告购物 

  Part 1

  102 教师  87 房子别墅  112 学习效率

  3 一个老人  36 儿童  60音乐乐器

  58 书法写作  29 天气  80 工作学习

  138 守时  75 专业  137 杂志

  66 新闻  41 日常事务  98 朋友

  130 珠宝首饰  26 手机  42 交通

  135 青少年  88 阳光  31 旅行

  14 餐饮  


  90 喜好天气

  Describe a kind of weather that you like.

  You should say:

  What it is

  What you usually do in this kind of weather

  How you felt about it

  And explain what influences it may bring to you

  art 3

  What kinds of clothes do people wear in summer?

  What the least favorite season for you?

  What kinds of clothes do people wear in summer?

  What the least favorite season for you?

  What types of weather are suitable for outdoor activities?

  If the weather is bad, what would people do indoors?

  What is the most typical weather in your country?

  182 喜爱季节

  Describe your favorite season in your country.

  You should say:

  When that season is

  What the weather is like at that time of year

  What the weather is like at that time of year

  And explain why it is your favorite season.

  109 童年玩具

  Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.

  You shuold say:

  When you got it

  What it looked like

  Who gave it to you

  And explain how you used it(how you played whit it).

  91 字典

  1.Do you use dictionary?

  2.Which kind of dictionaries do you prefer to use?

  3.Do you think the dictionary is useful?

  2 动物和宠物

  1.Do you like animals? Or what is your favorite animal?

  2.What kinds of animals as a pet do people have in your country?

  3.Did you have any pets when you were a child?

  4.Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

  5.What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

  6.What’s your favorite wild animal?


  Part 2

  109 童年玩具  307 共进晚餐  225 体育明星

  393 有趣之书  389 喜购之物  320 保持健康

  392 学校校规  75 重要信件  394 好的决定

  Part 1

  21 游泳  57 船  81 家乡

  32 姓名  132 高中  4 电脑

  83 生日  90 下雨天






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