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  • 最经典的《童话镇》经典句子
    1、Fate is a funny thing.You dont know if that the prophecy actually means.Remeber what I said?Only you can shape your destiny.But if you believe you are evil,then that is what you will become. 命运是无常的,你并不知道预言的真正涵义。还记得...
  • 最新的《童话镇》佳句摘抄大全
    1、And if you are in it,you need to enjoy it.Because love doesnt always last forever. 如果你恋爱了,你就该去享受它,因为爱不总是能持续到永远。 2、不能陪你的日子,孤单只有简单的两个字,我却用来组成成千上百中心情 人脸上有43快肌肉,可以组合出...
  • 最经典的《童话镇》经典的句子大全
    1、不能陪你的日子,孤单只有简单的两个字,我却用来组成成千上百中心情 人脸上有43快肌肉,可以组合出一万中表情,我要怎么做到不动声色地看向你 2、每个人都有选择的权利 不过你最好确定自己没选错 3、I hope you to learn what its taken me a lifetime t...
  • 《童话镇》经典的句子
    1、No matter when we are or what we face,I want be with you. 无论我们身在何处,经历什么,我也要和你在一起。 2、Rumplestilskin,the things we have,it’s never been easy.I’ve lost you so many times,I’ve lost you to darkness,to weakness,and...
  • 《童话镇》佳句摘抄大全
    1、All magic comes with a price. 2、只有睿智的河水知道,睡美人逃避了生活的煎熬 ----暗杠 3、I know what its like to not have the life you wanted...the life you feel you deserve. 我理解那种感受,不能过上自己想要的生活,那种你觉得自己因得的生...
  • 最经典的《童话镇》经典名句
    1、Things we havent thought about in years,still have the ability to make us cry. 有些东西被我们遗忘多年,却仍然可以让我们流泪。 2、No matter when we are or what we face,I want be with you. 无论我们身在何处,经历什么,我也要和你在一起。 3、...
  • 最经典的《童话镇》语录摘抄
    1、每个人都有选择的权利 不过你最好确定自己没选错 2、Id risk my life for two things--love and revenge.I lost first.And if I die for my vengeance,then thats enough satisfaction for me. 为了真爱与复仇,我愿意献出生命。我失去了真爱,如果我为复...
  • 《童话镇》经典名句大全
    1、All magic comes with a price. 2、每个人都有选择的权利 不过你最好确定自己没选错 3、只有睿智的河水知道,睡美人逃避了生活的煎熬 ----暗杠 4、听说白雪公主在逃跑 小红帽在担心大灰狼 听说风魔喜欢爱丽丝 丑小鸭会变成白天鹅 5、总有一条蜿蜒在童话镇...
  • 最新的《童话镇》佳句摘抄
    1、When you do something that youre not supposed to do, even if you do it for the right reasons, bad things will happen, Emma. 2、Rumplestilskin,the things we have,it’s never been easy.I’ve lost you so many times,I’ve lost you to darkne...
  • 《童话镇》佳句摘抄大全
    1、Soon everything you love,everything all of you love,will be taken from you foever. And out of your suffering,will rise my victory.I shall destory your happiness,if it’s the last thing I do. 很快,你们所珍爱的一切,你们所有人所珍爱的的一...