日期:2022-03-15 10:53:19 来源:文章吧 阅读:



  《漫游世界建筑群》观后感(一):BBC 漫游世界建筑群























  还有巴西利亚 、达哈维 ,这两个地点有很多相似之处,“离开了卫星城,巴西利亚什么都不是”(巴西利亚是著名的以柯布西耶的理念建造起来的城市,但是教科书上从未提及卫星城之类的)。。。。。达哈维也是如此,主持人说,它并非贫民窟,而是一个自给自足的小型城市,它为首都孟买提供养料,消化城市的垃圾,政府从未为他们做过什么,现在却要剥夺他们栖息的土地。。。。



  第一集:美 20160525


  (2) 乐山 乐山大佛 公元8世纪,70米高,90年建成,弥勒佛(未来之佛)

  (3)俄罗斯 圣彼得堡 巴洛克建筑 彼得大帝一世的女儿,Catherine Palace 18世纪50年代意大利设计师设计内部极其华丽,长长的走廊,有一个房间墙壁布满了名家油画,一个房间全是琥珀装饰,誉为琥珀宫;在德军占领期间完全被毁,问为什么要修复?工匠说,人创造美,毁灭了美;

  (4) 印度 戈那诺克 13世纪中叶 太阳庙 供奉太阳神Surya 很多描写情色的雕塑,印度教密宗的思想,性是向神的开放,神之甘露,创造生命;17世纪荒废,

  第二集:陵墓 20160526

  (1)埃及 卢克斯的尼罗河,哈特谢普苏特法老,万年神殿、国王之谷

  (2)危地马拉 玛雅文化 亡灵节 墨西哥 有收集祖先头盖骨的传统,Yaxha玛雅金字塔,以鲜血为圣物,活人祭祀,残忍的祭祀,挖心剥皮,

  (3)意大利 热那亚 意大利最大的港口城市,斯塔格列诺(Staglieno Cemetery)公墓,凯旋大道,1851年开放,公墓中的教堂,家人为死者做雕塑,十年安葬权,之后被移走,

  (4)印度 恒河边的瓦拉纳西,湿婆之城,恒河让灵魂永生,莫克提神庙(死亡之屋,垂死之人),每年4万人在此下葬,马尼卡尼卡石阶

  第三集:教堂 20160527

  (1)摩西 上帝十诫 圣凯瑟琳修道院(527年)希腊正教教徒,周围的城墙非常高,防止了入侵,得以保存



  (4)印度 高韦里河 印度南部 Srirangam岛 斯里兰格 那塔斯瓦米寺,印度教,毗湿奴大神,13到14世纪建的,朗加兰德

  第四集:被灾难改变的建筑 20160528

  (1)德国 德勒斯顿 德国东部的易北河畔 1945 二战空袭 75%的建筑被损毁 圣母大教堂屹立不倒。二战后由苏联统治 1989后,开始重建 1992年重建圣母大教堂

  (2)叙利亚 帕尔米拉 公元276 季诺碧亚 女王 希望脱离罗马统治 公元272年 罗马攻占,毁灭了这座城市。

  (3)美国 旧金山 伯克利大学体育馆 1906年的旧金山地震引起的大火,市政厅 1906年损毁 1915重建,建于减震器上。530个减震器抬高了建筑

  (4)阿富汗 Herat机场,贾穆宣礼塔,在阿富汗的中心高地,12辆警车护卫前往,建于1190年,60米,古尔王朝

  第五集:连接 20160529

  (1)巴西 巴西利亚 1960年落成 建筑师Oscar Niemeyer,共产主义者,现代主义者;巴西国会大厦;精心规划、设计的城市,

  (2)叙利亚 大马士革 有7000年历史的城市。活力之源:贸易。古罗马贸易街。美食(大马士革坚果)。客栈-1752阿萨德帕厦。古罗马朱庇特神庙to基督教教堂to基伊共享to清真寺宗教共处分区。

  (3)纽约 GE大厦 洛克菲勒中心 周围8个建筑构成的城市小中心 建于1931 附近有圣帕特里克大教堂,楼顶的彩虹厅

  (4)印度 达哈维贫民窟 60万人左右,约1平方英里,从20世纪30年代开始形成;很多高危行业、清洁工都在这里居住

  第六集:权力 20160531

  (1)罗马尼亚 首都-布加勒斯特 人民大会堂 胜利大道 仅次于五角大楼的单体建筑 1994年国会进驻这个大厦

  (2)叙利亚 12世纪 马安铝巴格(十字军所建) 萨拉丁带领穆斯林击败了十字军,作为防御要塞,里面极其复杂,1190年建筑

  (3)美国 美国 路易斯安那 密西西比河 奴隶制 常青树,奴隶主与奴隶的房子

  (4)土耳其 伊斯坦布尔 苏丹王 哈仑宫 培训后献给苏丹王

  第七集:美梦 20160601

  (1)也门 也门沙漠 希巴姆 泥巴制砖,室内整洁,天台惬意

  (2)多米尼加 圣多明哥城 1501年 目前2百多万人 美洲第一座大教堂 雪茄很有名,深受西班牙文化影响,梅伦格舞,诞生在这里,融合了西班牙舞

  (3)费城 1776独立宣言 东方州立监狱 1971年关闭

  (4)不丹 延布市 法律规定要穿传统服饰,国王一直在仿古,村庄

  第八集: 乐趣 20160603

  (1)孟买 泰姬陵酒店 1903年建成 塔塔的产业

  (2)巴伐利亚州 德国南部 施旺高小镇 新天鹅堡 150年历史 1886年 40岁的路德维希国王被流放(城堡主)

  (3)巴西 雨林中的歌剧院, 残忍的橡胶工人剥削,亚马逊河由内罗格河和索利蒙伊斯河交汇融合;玛瑙斯港口 亚马逊剧院 1896年建成

  (4)意大利北部 安德里亚·帕拉迪奥 巴巴罗别墅 16世纪50年代 对称(秩序,和谐)山墙(罗马精神)大门不在正立面立体画装饰双矩形房间-“神圣比例”花园 四本建筑学著作




  3. 天堂。埃及阿布祖内玛圣凯瑟琳修道院:神圣而虔诚。中国山西悬空寺:山神合一。俄罗斯基日岛基日村教堂:精巧的全木建筑。印度蒂鲁吉拉伯利市兰格纳塔斯瓦米寺:持久热闹的庙宇 。




  7. 梦想。也门希巴姆古城:荒漠中的曼哈顿。多米尼加共和国圣多明戈城:殖民的见证。美国费城东部州立监狱:罪犯的救赎。不丹廷布市扎西确宗:被世界遗忘的王国。



  【This is a story of architecture through humanity.

  The architecture of power, of dreams, of death, and paradise.】


  EP01 Beauty(格陵蘭冰屋、樂山大佛、聖彼得堡凱瑟琳宮、科納拉克太陽神廟)

  1. Well, it's very shocking,misn't it? Polar bear, shot. I feel shocked, but... But remember, this is not shot for fun, it's not shot by a tourist as a trophy. This chap's a member of one of the last true hunting communities in the world. He's a licensed hunter. These guys have to hunt to live, that's it. So this is... what's going to keep him and his family alive, the food, the skin, eating and selling. And that's the truth of the matter. But it's very moving, though, very moving. There it is, this wonderful beast, the polar bear... His plaintive expression is heartbreaking.

  2. The igloo is a wondrous machine. The snow blocks, of course, are cold, but wonderful insulators, and mu body is hot. This heat melts the surface of the snow, and the liquid would run into the cracks here, freeze and seal them. So the whole thing really becomes a building of ice rather than snow, eventually much stronger.

  3. Clearly in Buddhism, size mattered. The bigger, the more beautiful.

  4. The ears, with the long earlobes. That reflects an Oriental idea of beauty, signifying a developed, refined human being. The eyes, with their transcendental gaze, that showa the Buddha is full of bliss, compassion, understanding. Little coiled buns of hair on his head, each like a little shrine, a diagram in itself to inspire and help meditation. On the top of the head is this bump, the bump that reflects the possession of a cosmic brain. That's the route to Nirvana.

  5. Rastrelli is the architect, but this building's not about him. He was merely the means by which Elizabeth expressed her nature, her passions, her loves, her aspirations. This building is an almost shockingly personal portrait of a most unusual woman.

  6. The Lord God gave us life and all things around us. He gave man the ability to create beauty and we destroyed it... I mean all this. It was man who destroyed it and man must bring it back, it's as simple as that. We must restore its original beauty, its grandeur... just as it was given by the Lord God. End of story.

  7. When the temple was being constructed, tantric practices were gaining strength in northeast India. And in tantra, the idea is that power can be obtained from nature and contact made with the divine through the medium of the body. Sex plays a very important role. Sexual bliss is seen as akin to the joy, the ecstasy of enlightenment, of union with a god. So a building like this, full of sexual images are really images to do with divine practices. Sex, orgasm, is seen as opening a window onto the divine.

  8. Here, a thoughtful young lady is giving a dog, I believe, a divine meal.

  【總結:人與神 人之智慧 神之浩大 創造美】

  EP02 Death(埃及哈特謝普蘇特Hatshepsut喪葬神廟、危地馬拉瑪雅古城Yaxha祭祀臺、熱那亞斯塔列諾Staglieno公墓、印度瓦拉納西)

  1. What does survive is this rather wonderful thing, this false door, that allowed her spirit and soul to travel between this world and the next, to enter her temple and leave it for the underworld. What is striking though is that all the images of Hatshepsut and her cartouche, her name, they've been removed, brutally cut away. That's a frightful fate. So she's been, I suppose, consigned to oblivion, her name removed from memory. The intention is that that would give her a second, permanent death.

  2. The ancient Maya saw the world of the living and of the dead as one and the same. Everywhere there are monuments to communicate between this life and the next.

  3. The Maya are a problem, a paradox. They believe in utter desolation yet they built to last for eternity. They were a very sophisticated civilization, yet steeped in blood and murder. What is one to make of them? I suppose the obvious point is that, for them, life was not held cheap, it was the most precious of things. And blood had to be given to the gods to allow the gods to do their job, which was to ensure that creation would go on, that the sun would rise each day. And so really, out of love the Maya killed. The Maya took life to ensure that life would continue.

  4. And this city of the dead, like cities of the living, had this own social hierarchies. Your status in life would determine your position in death.

  5. In this tomb, there is no promise of eternal life. Death is triumphant.

  6. But in these picturesque surroundings, the beauty of the art makes death seem more noble, more familiar. An almost blissful experience.

  7. Hindus believe if you die here, you are granted the great gift of moksha by Shiva. Moksha is the release from eternal and often painful birth, death and rebirth on the Earth.

  【總結:為生而死 雖死猶生 死生相依】

  EP03 Paradise(埃及圣凱瑟琳修道院、山西懸空寺、俄羅斯基日Kizhi鄉村教堂、印度斯里蘭格那塔斯瓦米寺)

  1. Mountains represent the yin and yang of the Taoist universe. They have a shady yin side and a sunny yang side, opposites existing in harmony with one defining the other.

  2. The sheer audacity of this structure has shocked visitors for centuries. It's more like the work of the gods than of man. Temple and mountain are one, the temple's embraced by nature, like a child in the womb. And that, of course, is just the point. This is a paradise, a paradise inspired by the power, the beauty of nature.

  3. The beams work as cantilevers. The more weight that's put on them, the more firmly they're rooted into the mountainside. This very Taoist architecture, working with nature, drawing strength from the mountain itself.

  4. The buildings within the enclosure are beautifully constructed out of pine logs. Here we see them. These logs have been squared and cut using an axe, not a saw. A saw damage the grain. An axe closes the grain. Protects the wood from damp. Stops the timbers from rooting. Here you can see how well cut they are with an axe. The joints are incredibly tight. Very straight edges. No wind will get through these two logs. And here you see logs meeting at this corner, all lapped together very tightly. No nails needed. No nails used. Beautiful quality, this has. It's sort of honest moral construction. All is revealed. It has a Christian truth about it.

  5. It's really exhilarating to be among the people as they greet, as they adore, as they transport their god. The architecture and plan of the temple are ornamental and symbolic but also very functional, because together they create the perfect theater for the rituals enacted within them. I must say, standing here, one really does feel the temple to be the living, pulsating body of the god. A vision of the divine cosmos, a vision of paradise.

  【總結:信仰之處 心之所安 即是天堂】

  EP04 Disaster(德勒斯頓聖母大教堂、敘利亞帕爾米拉古城、舊金山市政廳、阿富汗賈穆宣禮塔)

  1. For the place of Dresden, the rebuilding of the Frauenkirche was a matter of the heart. After the Frauenkirche had been consecrated, after the scaffolding had been taken down and the bells had been put in place and the cross was back on top of the dome. I said to my friends:"Now the Second World War is over for me."

  2. Around 8% of it is original. Nearly 2000 fragments found among the ruins used to reconstruct it. A great jigsaw puzzle. An amazing piece of work. You can see at the back, there, the stone is damaged from the fire that raged here.The money for this came from around the world. The altar, for the whole church, all this, is very much an act of reconciliation.

  3. It's sobering to contemplate the destruction wrought by... By time, by neglect, by the elements. To see the ambitious works of man laid in the dust. "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" But these are no mute ruins, no mute stones. One stands here in the evening as the sun goes down, and one can hear echoes of the past, really. Looking down this great street of trade, one can imagine the caravans, the camels, the merchants. It's all strangely alive. Very evocative. My goodness, one can almost feel their presence.

  4. But, I say, a sad and tragic business. The looters did this mostly because they're poor. The poor are forced to pillage their own culture to live, to find objects to sell to the Western art market, ultimately. We are destroy our own history.

  5. So this text here, this minaret, is preaching tolerance, it's preaching understanding between these two religions. That's what it's about. It's about making the point that they should live together in harmony, because they have so much in common.

  【總結:過去與未來 自然與人類 建築是良藥 是災難本身 也是證據】

  EP05 Connections(巴西利亞現代建築、大馬士革Khan As’ad Pasha及古羅馬朱庇特神廟遺址、紐約洛克菲勒中心、孟買達哈維貧民窟 )

  1. Brasilia is a modernist's dream, architecturally stunning. It was to show how people should live together. The rich with the poor, workers and professionals. But now I've been to the satellite town, it's clear that this dream has failed and the workers, really, have been betrayed.

  2. Along the trade routes leading to Damascus, traveled ideas, art and religion. But rather than dividing the city, different religions and people were absorbed to enrich the culture of Damascus.

  3. And Damascus has survived and prospered because people of different religious faiths found a way of living together. The miracle of Damascus is its strong sense of history and identity. An identity that does not depend on one culture or religion.

  4. It's incredible to think that Damascus was ancient when Rome became a power in the land. It was old when the Pharaohs ruled in Egypt. The city's had a turbulent history. Attacked by the Christian Crusaders in the 12th century, pillaged horribly by Tamerlane and his Mongols in 1401, but it survived. It's seen empires and tyrants come and go. It offers a fantastic object lesson in how people can live together, creatively, and in harmony.

  5. High-rise buildings have been much criticized, but the Rockefeller Center is the model of how it ought to be done. It combines private profits with public benefits, utility with beauty. It's a solution to modern city living, not one of the problems.

  6. It's, um, very organized, different communities, people are poor, but they maintain their streets, their houses, everything's cleaned and so on. And there's lots of industry going on. People have created this for themselves, their own enterprise, their own energy, their own money.

  7. To visit Dharavi is like stepping back in time to witness the origin of cities, or the way people first learned to live together. But if Dharavi is to evolve creatively in the modern world, then its residents must be listened to.

  【總結:人與城 人與人 創造 分裂 融合 支持 直至成為相互的一部份】

  EP06 Power(布加勒斯特人民大會堂、敘利亞馬安鋁巴格城堡、新奧爾良常青樹奴隸主莊園、伊斯坦布爾哈侖宮)

  1. And like all long, straight routes, it is a timeless symbol of power, of order, of a godlike determination to control nature and the affairs of man.

  2. This long, straight boulevard, combined with this domineering palace, is the ultimate expression of an architectural dream that's haunted the imagination of despots for thousands of years. This is power personified. And I must say, this is the gloomiest expression of that dream I've ever seen.

  3. This castle has a grim and brooding presence in the landscape. It's a dark place, really. An appropriate monument to a particularly bloody epoch of human history, the Crusades. The struggle between East and West, between Islam and Christianity, a struggle which started with the bloody taking by the Christians of Jerusalem in 1099. An event that shocked the Muslim world. Shocks it still, really. An act of barbarity undertaken by a religion dedicated to love. And this castle, played a key role in the Crusades, so, standing here, one cannot help but think about the legacy of that struggle. The fact that it still goes on, in a way. There's still religious wars. There's still bloodshed. There's still pain and suffering in this region. And this castle, in a way, and its history, marks the beginning of that tragedy.

  4. In the United States, Greek Revival architecture had a particular meaning and importance. It almost represented the national identity. It represented civilization, liberty and freedom. But in the South it was favored for perhaps less noble reasons, because Greece had been an ancient democracy, but a democracy that supported slavery.

  5. It's incredibly moving and important that the grand mansion house and the humble slave quarters survive on the same plantation. This beautiful architecture is not tainted by slavery, but is part of the same narrative. The slave quarters, here, are, I suppose, to some, an embarrassing survival. But that's a good thing. Forgetfulness is a great enemy. While slave quarters like that survive, people are reminded of the evil that comes when man has power over man. The evil of exploitation. The evil of domination. And while that memory survives, those evils, one hopes, can be eradicated.

  6. The harem was a hotbed of intrigue. Only the cunning and manipulative could succeed here, could rise to the top. Women would spy in women, women would spy on the council of state, if they could, on the Sultan himself through that window over there, that grill. This is the council hall. Eunuchs would be bribed. In this world, there were no boundaries, this world of subtle intrigue, anything was possible. Murders were undertaken. Even the Sultan himself could be toppled.

  【總結:政治與權力 建築只是野心的載體 人控制人 變的只是表現的形式】

  EP07 Dreams(也門希巴姆古城、多米尼加聖多明戈城、費城東方州立監獄、不丹廷布扎西確宗)

  1. Shibam's a marvelous historic city, but it's no arid museum piece. It's full of vitality, authenticity, wonderful sense of life. Here we are on the terrace, gathered together in the evening, drinking tea. And there's wonderful sort of aromas. Frankincense, myrrh and, of course, the sheep and goats. And terrific noises, sounds, music. This really is a living dream.

  2. The Spaniards were like the horsemen of the apocalypse. They brought death and disease. And as with all imperial powers, hell did follow after them. But it's very curious, isn't it? Because if he hadn't come, if Spain hadn't been here, none of this would exist. This is now a fusion of cultures, a mix of people, and it seems to be a very healthy, very lively, very tolerant one.

  3. It was very quiet. The only thing you could hear at night sometimes was somebody crying out for mama or praying. "Lord, I didn't mean it." But he had done it. So you had to do your time, you come in here. You could hear different inmates crying at night. You might have thought they were grown men, but they cried like babies.

  4. During the 19th century, it changed the form of prisons all over the globe. But today it stands as a monument to the tyranny of ideals.

  5. Bhutan is a fascinating experiment, a radical attempt to keep the past alive in a modern and often alarming world. I know it wouldn't suit everyone, but to me it seems admirable. Architecture can manke dreams come true.

  【總結:建築決定人的生活方式 人通過建築守護自己的夢想】

  EP08 Pleasure(孟買泰姬陵酒店、新天鵝堡、巴西亞馬遜歌劇院、意大利巴巴羅別墅)

  1. This is Schwangau, Bavaria, home to a fairy tale vision, created by a man who wanted to turn his dreams into architecture. He wanted to build to escape the modern world. He wanted to build to escape humanity. His name was Ludwing II, the Dream King.

  2. Can you imagine sitting in this box in 1900, listening to an opera or watching a ballet down there? It was escapism of the highest order. Outside was raw element nature, the great rainforest, the mighty Amazon, a teeming and dangerous port and market. But in here, well, a world of fashion and elegance. Really the opera house was a refuge from reality.

  【總結:我們都曾在夢中設計過一套自己的房子 有的人將夢變為現實】

























  危地马拉Yaxhá, Yaxhá遗迹群:这座城市建于1200年前,玛雅人相信鲜血是对神最好的献祭,以牺牲换取民族的延续。在献祭时,国王要用东西刺穿自己的阴茎,王后要刺穿自己的舌头(都疼死了)。有时还用活人祭献:先刺穿他的胸膛下的腹部,拿出心脏,把皮肤涂成象征牺牲的蓝色,再扒下人皮,祭祀把他的皮披在身上舞蹈。现代危地马拉人相信活人和私人可以在死亡节聚集,在死亡节他们会祭拜三个头骨,其中一个会在祭拜后到各个家里轮流祭拜。






  俄罗斯kizhi, 基日乡村教堂(Kizhi Pogost)(基督教):木质结构,木条是用斧子砍成的,因为斧子不会破坏木头的纹理。整个教区有33个圆顶,象征耶稣死于33岁。万容教堂有22个圆顶,象征启示录里的22个章节,夏季用,曾于苏联时期遭到破坏;教区里的另一座教堂名为圣母慈悲教堂,冬季用。














  叙利亚圣地(holy land),马安铝巴格城堡(宗教战争的代表)★:军事要塞,也是经济枢纽。里面有教堂、许多错综复杂的小路和洞,最厚的墙也只有5米。十字军和穆斯林在这里展开过战争,穆斯林胜。





  多米尼加共和国圣多明各城:城市由西班牙殖民者建于1501年,城市规划为古罗马希腊式,现有2百万人口,是文化融合的典型。这里有美洲的第一座大教堂,其外观是银匠式风格,内部是哥特式风格。Alcázar de Colón总督宫殿是殖民奴役的象征。


  不丹廷布,Trashi Chhoe Dzong(意为光荣宗教的堡垒):城市没有红绿灯,只有一条主街。该建筑内外部都风格古老,但实建于18世纪后期 ,世俗的事和宗教的事都由它管。为了保留传统文化,除了建筑风格,国家还规定人们穿着民族服饰。廷布市郊shengana的一幢富农建筑大约有200-300年的历史,由泥和木建成,油漆已经脱落。一楼是家畜的住所,家门前有由四根木制阴茎组成的辟邪用十字架。







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