日期:2017-12-22 来源:文章吧 阅读:


  《马路天使》是一部由弗兰克·鲍沙其执导,珍妮·盖诺 / 查尔斯·法莱尔 / 娜塔莉·金斯顿主演的一部剧情类型的电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。











  《马路天使》观后感(二):What is Angel?

  An angel is not necessarily pure or perfect. The most, no, the only, significant thing, should be her heart.

  It’s the first time I took 1 hour 41 minutes without any interruption to watch a movie, a silent movie. And, it is totally worth it.

  Without sound, without fantastic modern technologies, nor dazzling colors decors, in general, nothing to abstract me from the basic story telling. Every subtle change on the countenance of the actor and actress, what the director wanted to tell on a particular shot, “enter her world and follow the path of the movie”, it was definitely an a little tiring (at some points, painful) but still enjoyable course.

  About the story and characters

  Angela, a self-redeemed angel.

  he reminded me of a lecture when I was in college. My philosophy teacher once said: It’s nonsense to judge a student good or bad now, cause none of you have been tempted. You’re just sitting inside of this “ivory tower” living a simple life and judging the outsiders with your own imagination, for granted. Only after you experienced the complexity and living pressure of the real life, could you make such judgment about yourself or others.

  omeone sank; most drifted, yet a few, survived and reach out for the shore. Like Angela.

  Forced by poverty, she made a shamed attempt and ran away from the punishment she deserved. Yet, she always kept her faith—principle for herself, hope for life and love, guilty for wrong-did, believe for tomorrow, and, forgiveness to the others.

  We could tell these easily, from the embarrassment of her soliciting attempt, her sticking to separate living before marriage; her upset peering at policemen during her show (which directly led to her accident); She fought with her fear to workhouse and showed enormous courage to leave at that special day, despite of the lose of her love and bright future life with Gino…And at that very moment, the only thing she was worrying, was not her life, but Gino’s.

  After released from the workhouse, the really “street angel” asking her to “come down, with me”, yet she refused and chose her way, literally, the high way.

  At that time, she became an angel.

  While for Gino. He had been a coward.

  He attracted by Angela’s hot appearance and character, and lived with this pure image in his imagination, totally unable to extricate.

  That’s why he painted her with the Virgin’s feeling. He sees through her, however, he could only understand the appearance, not her kind heart that he should have cherished. When facing misery, he could only solve it with anger, with the desire of total rejection and perish. He seemed talented, well mannered, considerate, like an angel. But what about his inside? The selfishness, narrow and limited mind, was his only inner.

  eople fooled by the painting, I don’t know what if they found out that the model for that “precious old painting” was just a poor criminal girl, how ironic!!

  A street girl could be Mona Lisa, with her purest smile that light up directly to our deepest emptiness.

  Every one could be sublimed to an angel, for the force was, is and will always be deep planted in our heart. It’s just too painful to let it grow. Poverty, or suffering could change our life, but the quality of life, happy or misery, are always chosen by us, ourselves, only.












  《马路天使》观后感(四):Borzage's Visual Opera -- Coursera notes

  Minimal Plots Embellished with Imagery

  Light and shadow

  Intensive Visuality

  He is an auteur who is all about the visual.

  ush all story information he can into the visual plane.

  Transcedent Romance

  Up and down

  Operatic melodrama

  A close-up of a character gazing upward with light in their eyes

  Emotiaonal and Poetic motifs:

  window, whistle, fog

  ainting: a carrier of emotion

  quot;Make the audience sentimental, not the player."

  《马路天使》观后感(五):默片时代的观影幸福。Silent Era means more space.

  最近刚刚看完Black Mirror,里面一块块的大小屏幕吸引着我们,又让我们不那么投入。



  开始看Street Angel完全是因为Coursera的课程要求,起初还担心看不进去的问题。




  treet Angel把我单纯的变成了一个观影者,电影用心的讲故事,我用心的听故事,返璞归真,真好。


  由于 The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color 这门 Coursera 课程来看的。


  片子对光与影的处理很巧妙。尤其是女主角仰视男主角的样子,特别希望看到他们接吻,但 Frank Borzage 导演没有让接吻发生,留下无限的想象。


  《马路天使》观后感(七):MY ANGEL, MY GUIDING STAR

  1928 USA

  Janet Gaynor和Charles Farwell,也是silents后期著名的荧幕情侣了

  受到台词的巨响,默片大多摆脱不了melodrama的特点,Street Angel情节丰满,详略得当,除结尾的相遇略显仓促。影片将音乐的功效发挥到最大,渲染、铺垫情绪。全片最动人之处当属Angela与Gino的告别,影片前半部分极力渲染二人贫穷却甜蜜的生活,从二人戏剧性地相遇,画像,到返回那不勒斯,从Angela帮Gino脱鞋子、二人吹口哨等细节刻画二人的幸福时光,与警察带走Angela前Gaynor无声的道别形成强烈的冲击感,节奏张弛有度。男女主二人的演技更不用说,与音乐、摄影相得益彰。


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