有声英文绘本 | 彼得兔原装合集系列介绍之五:The Tale of Mr. J
日期:2018-09-03 16:47:23 作者:毛毛讲英文绘本 阅读:

有声英文绘本 | 彼得兔原装合集系列介绍之五:The Tale of Mr. J

  大家好!今天毛毛为您带来彼得兔原装合集系列介绍的第五本,也是本系列毛毛为大家介绍的最后一本:The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher

  看过动画片《彼得兔》的大朋友小朋友应该都对今天这本书的主角Mr. Jeremy Fisher陌生吧?在动画片中,这位青蛙先生可是一名十足的艺术家

  而今天的故事呢,则是为我们讲述了青蛙先生出门去钓鱼的奇妙故事,看看咱们有点傻气Mr. Jeremy Fisher能不能钓到足够的鱼来招待朋友吧?

  同时,关于作者Bratrix Potter女士的介绍以及其他毛毛已经为您介绍过的几本彼得兔系列请直接点击如下链接

  有声英文绘本 | 彼得兔原装合集系列介绍之一:The Tale of Peter Rabbit

  有声英文绘本 | 彼得兔原装合集系列介绍之二:The Tale of Benjamin Bunny

  有声英文绘本 | 彼得兔原装合集系列介绍之三:The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies

  有声英文绘本 | 彼得兔原装合集系列介绍之四:The Tale of Two Bad Mice



  Mr. Jeremy Fisher住在池塘边,他的家十分有特点,那可真是要多湿有多湿要多潮有多潮要多滑有多滑,当然足可见这正是契合了青蛙先生的习性嘛!

  Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond.

  The water was all slippy-sloppy in the larder and in the back passage.

  But Mr. Jeremy like his feet wet; nobody ever scolded him, and he never caught a cold!

  青蛙先生最喜欢下雨天了,这不,看着外面豆大的雨点,Mr. Jeremy Fisher决定出门去钓鱼,顺便招待两位老朋友

  He was quite pleased when he looked out and saw large drops of rain, splashing in the pond -

  "I will get some worms and go f an a dish of the m for my ," said Mr. Jeremy Fisher. "If more than five fish, I will my friends Mr. Al Ptolemy Tortoise and Sir Isaac Newton. The Al, however, eats salad."

  穿上防水大衣和防水鞋,带上鱼竿和篮子,Mr. Jeremy跳到池塘中绑着他的小船地方。他的小船活像圆圆的莲叶在池中漂浮。

  Mr. Jeremy put on a mac, and a pair of shiny goloshes; he took his rod an, and set off with enormous hops to the place where he kept his boat.

  The boat was round an, and very like the other lily-leaves. It was tied to a water-plant in the middle of the pond.

  Mr. Jeremy用芦苇杆把船撑走,他今天的目标鲜美的小鲦鱼!划到地方后他盘腿坐好,鱼竿支好。他的浮漂鲜红,鱼竿笔直,鱼线是结实的马鬃毛,鱼饵是一条小蚯蚓

  Mr. Jeremy took a reed pole, an the boat out into open water. "I know a goo for m," said Mr. Jeremy Fisher.

  Mr. Jeremy stuck his pole into the mud an the boat to it. 

  Then he settle cross-legged an his f tackle. He had the little re. His rod was a tough stalk of grass, his line was a fine long white horse-hair, and he tied a little wr worm at the end.


  “有点无聊,不如吃点午餐吧!”Mr. Jeremy Fisher一边说一边从他的篮子里拿出蝴蝶馅三明治,然后等雨停。

  The rain tr down his back, and for nearly an hour he stared at the float.

  "This is getting t, like some lunch," said Mr. Jeremy Fisher.

  He punted back again amongst the water-plants, and took some lunch out of his basket.

  "I will eat a butterfly sandwich, and wait till the shower is over," said Mr. Jeremy Fisher.

  这时过来一个水生甲壳虫,不停骚弄Mr. Jeremy的脚趾头。他只好收收腿,继续吃三明治。


  A great big water-beetle came up un the lily leaf an the toe of one of his goloshes.

  Mr. Jeremy crossed his legs up shorter, out of reach, and went on eating his sandwich.

  Once or twice something move with a rustle and a splash amongst the rushes at the side of the pond.

  " that is not a rat,“ said Mr. Jeremy Fisher; " I ha get away from here."

  Mr. Jeremy离开一点重新甩了鱼竿。鱼竿立即一沉!“小鲦鱼!小鲦鱼!勾住了!”他一提竿,结果!天啊,是那条背上长着刺的凶猛的棘鱼Jack Sharp!

  Mr. Jeremy shoved the boat out again a little away, an in the bait. There was a bite amongst ; the float gave a tremendous bobbit!

  "A minnow! a minnow! I have him by the nose!" cried Mr. Jeremy Fisher, jerking up his rod.

  But what a horrible surprise! of a smooth fat minnow, Mr. Jeremy lande Jack Sharp the st, covered with spines.


  旁边便冒出一群围观的小鱼,笑话着Mr. Jeremy Fisher。

  The st floundere the boat, pr an until he was quite out of breath. Then he jumped back into the water.

  And a shoal of other little fishes put their heads out, an at Mr. Jeremy Fisher.

  Mr. Jeremy惊魂未定刚坐下吮了吮被咬到的手指,结果更糟糕事儿发生了,要是他没穿那身防水衣的话,只怕更加糟糕!

  那是一条巨大的鳟鱼,一口咬上Mr. Jeremy,疼得他哇哇哇直叫,鳟鱼拖着他往池塘底游。

  An Mr. Jeremy sat on the edge of his boat - sucking his sore f an down into the water - a much worse thing happened; a really fr thing it would have been, if Mr. Jeremy had not been wearing a mac!

  A great big enormous trout came up - ker-pflop-p-p-p! with a splash - and it seized Mr. Jeremy with a snap, "Ow! Ow! Ow!" - and then it turned an down to the bottom of the pond.

  不过鳟鱼发现咬住的防水衣味道不怎么样,又给吐了上来,只吞下了Mr. Jeremy的鞋子

  受惊不小的Mr. Jeremy赶紧跟个苏打水弹出的塞子似的跳回水面,使尽吃奶的力气往回家游。

  But the trout was so with the taste of the mac, that in less than half a minute it spat him out again; and the only thing it swallowed was Mr. Jeremy's goloshes.

  Mr. Jeremy bounced up to the surface of the water, like a cork and the bubbles out of a soda water bottle; and he swam with all his might to the edge of the pond.


  “可惜不是条狗鱼!”Mr. Jeremy Fisher还挺有闲心想这个。“鱼竿篮子都丢了,不过没关系,估计我也不大可能再来钓鱼了!”

  He scrambled out on the first bank he came to, and he hopped home across the meadow with his mac all in tatters.

  "What a mercy that was not a pike!" said Mr. Jeremy Fisher. "I have lost my rod an; but it does not much matter, for I am sure never have dared to go f again!"

  他往受伤的指头上贴上胶布,两位老友这个时候都过来了。当然Mr. Jeremy Fisher可没办法招待他们鱼了,不过他家还有别的吃食。Isaac Newton先生穿着他的豹纹马夹,

  He put some st plaster on his f, and his friends both came to . He could not offer them fish, but he ha else in his larder.

  Sir Isaac Newton wore his black and gol,

  Al Ptolemy乌龟先生则带来一网兜沙拉。


  And Mr. Al Ptolemy Tortoise brought a salad with him in a string bag.

  An of a nice dish of m - they had a roaste with la source; which frogs consider a beautiful treat; but it must have been nasty!





  首先出现的就是Mr. Jeremy Fisher心心念念的minnow小鲦鱼

  接着是第一次受到Mr. Jeremy Fisher骚扰并且奋起攻击的st大棘鱼。这条有名有姓的鱼Jack Sharp在动画片《彼得兔》中也是出镜很多次了!

  然后是差点把Mr. Jeremy Fisher一口给吞了的更大的trout大鳟鱼

  最后Mr. Jeremy Fisher可惜没有抓到的是一种叫pike狗鱼





  书名:The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher









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