日期:2022-05-13 16:11:51 来源:文章吧 阅读:


  《统计的乐趣》是一部由丹·希尔曼 执导,Hans Rosling主演的一部纪录片类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。


  欧洲小国都莫名自大,击鼓传花到瑞典,自称1749年就有全国性的统计表,这让法国情何以堪。ps.原来瑞典这么讨厌挪威。 内容基本分为两部分,介绍基本概念,和统计学的应用(这里太偏重自然科学)。主持人讲解的热情,与他的年龄太不相符了。大概无论主持还是制片都非统计出身,导致整部片子都蜻蜓点水。 统计概念的介绍仅限于描述统计,平均数、分布、相关性,基本的数据可视化。瑞典人均有1.9条腿,所以绝大多数瑞典人都在平均数之上( —.—|||)。大多数高中生都知道正态分布,很多人都玩过Galton board,但知道Francis Galton的bean machine的人却不多。泊松分布没讲透,出场顺序也欠妥。 摘录一些抢眼球的花边。Nightingale将战场负伤士兵的死亡率可视化,极坐标饼图(polar area diagram )的别名是南丁格尔玫瑰图(Nightingale rose diagram)。Richard Dolls研究肺癌与吸烟的相关性,估计烟草公司随后会资助大量结论相反的研究吧。大规模统计的出现,因为state有需要去monitor大众的行为。如果有意识地运用统计,去改变公众固有的想法,这些人多是偏左的。“业余”统计学家,都是有故事的人,连起来就是很生动的社会思想史。 统计应用的介绍,涵盖天文、地理、生物、心理学、机器翻译。统计翻译的介绍没跟上形势,但片子是2010年出的,2015年回看,自然有过时之感。最后用网络词汇统计来解释情感,太creepy。 引起门外汉兴趣,成为本片的最高目标,也是科普片常见的问题。统计是工具,重要的是你想解决什么问题,然后怎样一步一步去解决问题。首先要有好的问题,然后才有好的research design,期间遇到的新问题,单靠统计可能也解决不了。 最后,随便拿出两百年各国数据作平衡比较的,最显眼的软肋是研究者并不关心数据从何而来,数据的可靠性悬在空中。至于European superiority,只要重复一万遍,就会成为牛逼闪闪的历史。 --------------------------------------------- 2017.06 后记 今年二月份 Hans Rosling 去世了,享年六十八岁。六十多岁还能保持好奇心,其实蛮不容易的。反思自己几年前的评论,的确有点偏激了。


  1.致敬大师——Hans Rosling Professor。











  What a good scientist does, if he comes with a correlation, is try as hard as she or he possibly can to disprove it, to break it down, to get rid of it, to try and refute it.

  And if it withstands all those efforts at demolishing it, and it is still standing up, then, cautiously, you say, "We really might have something here".




  1).Hans Rosling教授相关资料:





  《统计的乐趣》影评(三):what does it mean to be human

  We find that as people get older, they get happier. And more over that for younger people, they associate happiness more with excitement, and for older people, they associate happiness more with peacefulness.

  We also find that women feel more often loved than men, but also more guilty, while men feel more good than women, but also more alone.

  As people live more and more of their lives online, they leave behind digital traces, and with these digital traces, we can begin to statistically analyze, what does it means to be human.


  ep kamvar

  We Feel Fine

  I Want You to Want Me

  《统计的乐趣》影评(四):the value of statistic

  tatistic is a import subject of reflecting social regular.which is based on collecting mass data.pepole can analysis the value by statistics method and maching leaning.As metioned in this film,pepole collect user`s infomation in blog and weibo and find out their mood in daily life .so it souds a mazing project .and product much used value. in a word ,understanding the statistic is knowing the society value!

  《统计的乐趣》影评(五):what does it mean to be human

  It is amazing human-being and amazing projects!

  We find that as people get older, they get happier. And more over that for younger people, they associate happiness more with excitement, and for older people, they associate happiness more with peacefulness.

  We also find that women feel more often loved than men, but also more guilty, while men feel more good than women, but also more alone.

  As people live more and more of their lives online, they leave behind digital traces, and with these digital traces, we can begin to statistically analyze, what does it means to be human.


  ep kamvar

  We Feel Fine

  I Want You to Want Me






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