日期:2022-05-22 02:09:55 来源:文章吧 阅读:


  《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》是一部由Jon Chu执导,贾斯汀·比伯主演的一部纪录片 / 音乐类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

















  波波时代已经彻底来临!我不是神马性感女神,我不是神马B宝,我不是神马昙花一现,我不是神马伟人,我不是摆弄骚姿的bitch,我是新一代影后--Justin Bieber!





  《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》观后感(三):just happens to know justin bieber

  Today I just feeled a little down, so I opened the verycd and saw the movie<never say never>in the first place.I thought I might need some cheer up at that moment so I clicked the movie.

  I found out it was just an autobiography of Justin Bieber. Actually I was not so interested to watch the movie through cause I'm not into Justin at all. But anyway I still finished watching it.

  I've heard of this name for a long time but never knew him. So I searched Justin Bieber in Baidu. To me, the movie doesn't have any function of encouraging me. He is just a 17 year old lucky boy or maybe he does have some talents. And I admit he gets a beautiful voice.

  There are some sentences in this movie I like:

  1) Keep playing and always follow your dream

  2)You gave up normal, this is your new normal

  3)There are moments you come across all your life, there's always that moment when you have to let go

  4)It went naturally, but naturally doesn't mean easy.There's work that goes into that.And you have to do the footwork.






  JB DIVA创造了这么多记录,我们应该爱她的。


  如果美国没有碧波儿,USHER将永远是GAY(是JB DIVA的出现让USHER变直了);



  JB DIVA的魅力改变了社会风气,我们应该尊重她的。

  JB DIVA对此表示:一群无知的歌迷,没有如果,别作梦了,本宫不是还在世嘛!MJ、GAGA、麦当娜、BS、JT、TS、Bee、mimi 神马都是浮云,本宫将带领你们走向流行音乐的新世纪,顺我者昌,逆我者亡!至于那个USHER,本宫会寻找更好的替代品!(此句为引用)




  关于MJ的“古典乐天王”:某护逼宝宣称MJ的时代已经过去了,不能算流行乐,而是古典音乐了,DIVA才是QUEEN of POP.


  竟然翻页了,JB DIVA果真魅力无穷

  《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》观后感(五):That Hair! Those Eyes! His Fans! 【转自NYT】


  Jon M. Chu’s “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” is billed as a concert documentary, but fewer than half of its 105 minutes are devoted to Mr. Bieber onstage. That was the right choice, because he’s more engaging as a star than he’s ever likely to be as a performer.

  You don’t necessarily want to talk about sex when discussing someone whose fans are mostly adolescent girls, but Justin Bieber is nothing if not an old-fashioned, carefully constructed sex symbol, somewhere between a more knowing Donny Osmond and a less insinuating Elvis Presley. When the little girls understand you, music and personality are beside the point.

  Mr. Chu is certainly aware of this, given the close-up attention he lavishes on the priceless combination of eyes, hair and jawline, of smile, vocal timbre and self-confidence that have carried the waifish — but fit! — Mr. Bieber to pop-culture Valhalla.

  And while “Never Say Never” is an approved biography and marketing tool, in which the 16-year-old Mr. Bieber showcases his winsomeness and humility alongside his modest talents as a singer and dancer, Mr. Chu recognizes that the most compelling visual in this story is all those screaming girls.

  o he points the camera 180 degrees away from the star a fair bit of the time, and that view introduces a queasy note of apprehension into the otherwise wholesome picture. Occasionally you see a fan whose senses are particularly deranged by her love for Mr. Bieber, and you hope that his security team has her picture on file.

  Mr. Chu, who has experience in both 3-D filmmaking and stage spectacles (he directed the “Step Up” sequels), toes the company line the rest of the time, splicing together home movies from Mr. Bieber’s prefame years and shooting numerous boring segments with his handlers and coaches. It should be noted that the film’s producers include Mr. Bieber and his manager, Scooter Braun, a 29-year-old whose inflections and intensity recall the young Rob Morrow.

  The concert scenes are perfunctory, shot in the usual manner with the 3-D cameras gliding back and forth at knee level. A duet between Mr. Bieber and Miley Cyrus, just 16 months older, serves as a cautionary example of how quickly a child star can begin to look middle aged and irrelevant. Several appearances with Usher, on the other hand, demonstrate what it means to own the stage. Next to Usher, his mentor, Mr. Bieber just fades away.

  In the film’s best and weirdest shot, Mr. Chu zooms in close as Mr. Bieber flings his head back and forth in slow motion, waving his famously floppy hair in a moment that’s both hilarious and creepy, especially when you’re watching in 3-D.

  At 70 or 80 minutes, reduced to crazy fans, backstage atmosphere and home-movie footage of Mr. Bieber playing hockey and pounding the drums, “Never Say Never” could have been entirely satisfying. At 105 minutes it’s exhausting, even though it has been expertly cut together.

  Mr. Bieber is amiable company, but on screen, at least, he also projects the opacity of the single-minded and self-assured — the quality that, along with good looks and competent management, makes him such an ideal repository for other people’s dreams. Everyone involved in “Never Say Never” is working overtime to prove that he is, as one of them puts it, “just a regular kid who had a dream,” while everything about the movie screams the opposite.










  有谁敢不承认,自己讨厌爱情买卖的同时,又会唱每一句歌词(There's a fine line between love and hate)





  《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》观后感(七):Bieber Fever is REAL!

  不是粉 看完却也五味杂陈 前两天看了他那期吐槽大会 这孩子在纪录片以后的几年里面到底经历了什么

  i don't believe he is bad but it's just that he used to be so good.

  he is good-looking. he is talented. he can sing. he can dance. he can do music. he love doing it. he was born to be a superstar.

  as ironic as it may sound, hope he can become what his parents want for him -- a respectful and nice guy.

  不知道说些什么 愿不忘初心吧

  Justin Bieber, don't you dare forget where you come from.


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