《Gone with the Wind》读后感10篇
日期:2018-01-18 来源:文章吧 阅读:

《Gone with the Wind》读后感10篇

  《Gone with the Wind》是一本由Margaret Mitchell著作,Warner Books出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 7.99,页数:1024,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助

  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(一):Gone with the Wind












  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(二):乱世佳人


  正在读这本书, 当然小时候已经就读过这本, 最近只是把英文版的拿来读一遍而已. 随便谈谈感想吧.

  首先, 关于主人公Scarlett, 她是一个活得很简单的人, 在学校就对读书毫无兴趣, 从开头到结尾, 她经常就听不懂稍高深一点的话题, 甚至很多时候连对方说的简单英文单词都听不懂. 但这不妨碍她能够这样一直顺顺当当地过下来. 有时候, 活着, 并且活好, 不太需要知识, 只是需要顽强的生命力. Scarlett就属于生命力特别顽强的人. 说她是傻大姐吧, 她算计人虽然一般, 算账倒是一把好手, 比大多数人都在行. 说她聪明, 她对于身边的人的想法做法完全视而不见, 好像那些人都只是她身边的影子. 从这一点来看, 她的确和她身边的人像属于同一个物种的两个亚种一样, 只能完成基本的交流.

  然后说说Butler, 他在这部小说中基本是一个完人. 能文能武, 道德品质也很高尚. 虽然因为不理会世俗的观点而受到很多批评, 但事实上原因只是他的观念超越了世俗观点而已. 他不是不能够迎合世俗的观点, 他有能力, 不过大多数时候他不屑于这样做, 只有在全书靠近结尾的时候, 他为了让他女儿能够融于本地族群而做出了一些努力, 并轻易地就得到了社会的认同. 也许唯一的缺点是有时候太爱出风头, 不过这一点也是能够得到理解的. 具有极高智慧并能够在社会中圆滑处世名利双收的人不在少数, 但是实际上我们在心底里可能会更喜欢那些剑走偏锋不按常理出牌的人, 因为他们能够给我们平凡的生活带来一点亮色.

  接下来说全书的另一位完人, Melanie. 从一般意义而言, 她比Butler更完人一点. 她具有了我所能想到的所有道德美德. 说一个小细节吧, 那还是整个小说没有对她进行太多渲染描写的时候, 在战争时, 她在医院里当临时护士照顾伤员. 从头到尾她都没有表现出不适感, 当见过太血腥的场景时, 她也只是躲起来静静地呕吐(Scarlett found her in the linen closet vomiting quietly into a towel). 以前读到这句话时真不觉得, 这次重读时才体会到这句话后对自己要有多么强的控制能力. 而且在这个控制能力后的对其他人的着想也是很值得探究的. 真是很了不起的人.

  最后是Ashley. 读者大都会很同情Gerald, 呆滞地坐在门口, 侧耳倾听已不复存在的Ellen的声音. 但是Ashley比Gerald更值得同情. Ashley不爱Melanie, 但是因为他们相似, 所以值得在一起. Ashley对Scarlett也谈不上是真正的爱, 而只是掺杂了大部分羡慕和少部分情欲感觉. Ashley真正喜欢的是战前的那个世界, 那个体系. 在那个体系里他能过得无忧无虑, 平平安安, 完全没有真实世界里的争名逐利和尔虞我诈. 当战争发生后, 一切注定会被改变. 如果他在战争中阵亡了, 一切都是美好地. 但是他侥幸活了下来, 从此就只能是一个行尸走肉. 无论在哪儿, 他都无法用他的双手来养活自己, 而需要身边女人的帮助.

  最后总评下这部小说, 总体来说真只属于一般. 人物形象太过面具化, 故事情节也不太出色. 对人物的描写太过表层, 很多小细节写得太不含蓄, 没有回味, 不能够吸引人读多遍. 当然, 人物形象面具化脸谱化的背后也说明作者的人物描写还是很成功的. 总体来说能够给7/10吧.

  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(三):作者的悲观造就“飘”的爱情失落








  比如,Rhett终于克服自我向Scarlett求婚时,Scarlett震惊又迷惑。Rhett曾高调声明,虽然喜欢她却不想被婚姻束缚。因而他的求婚之举显得尤其感人。就在彼此的真情将要被从内心深处挖掘出来,两条刺啦啦燃起的感情火线将要熔合,Rhett却突然说:"No,my dear, I'm not in love with you, no more than you are with me."







  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(四):tomorrow

  I have been trying to write a special review for this book. But the longer I delay doing this,

  the fewer I hold on to. So far this book has been the no.1 tome on my reading list, which has 868

  ages. The narrative covers ups and downs of some people in southern America during a period of a decade.

  I was obsessed with two characters--Rhett and Melly. Before I have my own faith, I find Melly

  an untruthful person. No one can be that innocent and sweet. But I believe Melly's faith

  in God and her husband endowed her with inner strength on which Scarlett's tough side was relied,

  even to her surprise.

  Rhett is one of my favorite character ever. You would know if you read the book. Fatherhood

  urely transforms him. But no less charming.

  In that certain period of time, life turned upside down for southern people after civil war.

  ome chose to look back and lived in the past, some refused to look back because that hurts.

  Every once in a while I ask myself that quesion--what would you do if I were in that position.

  ut I have no answer. I am not sure if I can weather through hardship like Scarlett or stuck

  in the past as Melly's husband. A well put by Scarlett " I'll think of it all tomorrow"

  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(五):tomorrow is another day? It's not the point



  charles的死,scarlett轻松地stand it,唯一不爽的地方是守孝的礼节。而rehtt在此时解放了她的欲望,她走上了don‘t care what others think的道路



  ellen的死。scarlett从此再也不用想what would mother say about my behavior。脱离了最后的束缚,从此随心所欲。

  爸爸的死,其实一个疯人变成一个死人落差不是很大,will的理性与对这片土地的热爱感动了我。scarlett之所以在兵荒马乱的时候还要回tara,也是出于一个irish对土地的热爱,当ashely捧着红土对scarlett说that's something you love morethan me时,scarlett应该明白了些什么,但是她对ashley的爱怎么就那么坚强,最后消失得又是那么突然与彻底。

  rhett说的很明白 a child crying for the moon. what would a child do with the moon if it got it? and what would you do with ashley?yes,i'm sorry for you_sorry to see you throwing away happiness with both hands and reaching out for something that would never make you happy.


  当frank死的时候,她第一次感受到ashame for others。她第一次明白了过分追求自己的利益对于别人的harm。她可以说那是为了tara,但是她明白了,生命不仅仅是tara,不能为了自己与tara,让无辜的人无辜地牺牲。






  这正是scarlett最值得人尊敬的地方。stand it 。

  人们读飘总是就剩下一个tomorrow is another day。

  但是如果你遇到事情就想tomorrow is another day,你可以stand it 吗?

  她可以stand it,是因为她思想的现实,她对传统价值观的漠视。







  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(六):My second read of 《Gone with the Wind》

  I guess it is almost impossible to write an entirely disembodied review for a book like Gone with the Wind because we likely grow up knowing about the characters or even the main plot of the story. I read the Chinese translation of the novel about fifteen years ago at the tender age of eighteen. That was an unusually sultry and clammy summer in the southern Chinese city of Shanghai, which oddly (at a sensory level?) facilitated my transportation into the southern U.S. setting of the book. Many years after that, I can still recall vividly the heat and tension of the day on which Atlanta fell, when Scarlett had to juggle frantically the birth of Melanie’s baby, the horrifying knowledge of the upcoming siege by the Yankee troops, and the impromptu arrangement of the retreat to Tara.

  Fast forward to fifteen years later. I recently had the chance to pick up the book in English and immediately got hooked up with it thanks to the top-notch writing by Margaret Mitchell. Her craft is without a doubt spellbinding and on many occasions I find myself living vicariously through the ups and downs of the protagonists in the world staged by the author. I relished every word of the book.

  Though Gone with the Wind is a very American story, it is incredibly popular in China -- there must be something universal about the book that also resonates with the Chinese readers. Surely the successful depiction of memorable characters (Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley, Melanie, Mammy, Big Sam…), the exotic portrayal of the Civil War, and the heart-wrenching romance between Scarlett and Rhett all contribute to its popularity.

  In my recent read of the novel, I also took note of things that didn’t catch my attention the first time. The Chinese translation of Gone with the Wind was first published in 1979 and was met with immediate success. In a sense there are some parallels between the Reconstruction era following the Civil War and the economic reform undertaken by China after the Cultural Revolution (1967-1976). In both cases people fought to embrace an entirely new way of living. Those who were overly nostalgic about the grandeur of their past living and unwilling to relinquish their old way of thinking, were likely to falter under challenges and get winnowed out by history. Forced to grapple with a welter of issues presented to her upon return to Tara, Scarlett incarnated the practical mentality adopted by some southerners who were straining to survive in the new system. Some Chinese readers may find the character of Scarlett and her pragmatic approach to life very relatable and even inspiring.

  I guess the charm of a classic is that you will dig out something different each time you read the book. Your interpretation of the book will also change because you always have something different to relate to. I look forward to reading the novel a third time (or maybe multiple times?) in the future.

  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(七):爱的不解



  关于爱,无论是JANE EYRE,还是PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,或是这本书,都在说,那个对的人是与自己相似的人,只有相似的人相爱才会幸福。RHETT常说SCARLETT与自己一样的自私,为利益不择手段,NO LADY,但有一点不同,SCARLETT是个child,她常常停留在事物表面,她会以为“镀金”比“金子”珍贵。而RHETT则很聪明、敏锐,他那双眼睛似乎能够看透事物的本质,他懂得“真金”的价值。或者是因为RHETT对小孩的喜欢弥补了这一点差距,他会宠她,惯她,给她买漂亮衣服,同意给她建她喜欢的风格的房子,同意她举行PARTY时邀请YANKEE,WHITE TRASH,尽管他知道他们的肤浅。但是爱应该是两人共同的付出,SCARLETT一直是个贪心的小孩,她很开心的接受RHETT的给予,不用为生活烦恼,潇洒的挥霍金钱,她很快乐。但是,她不喜欢思考,不喜欢自寻烦恼,她不知道RHETT是不是开心,这样子的生活是不是也是RHETT想要的,她不知道,她也懒得去想。她一直是为自己而活的人,这样舒适的生活如果还有ASHLEY就更好了,她常常感叹。我不太清楚RHETT是怎样能容忍SCARLETT的自私的,当然在很多时候,当SCARLETT想ASHLEY时,他会生气,会跑掉,但是他还是爱她。这样子单方向付出的爱让我有点困惑。









  GONE WITH THE WIND让我对人生有了许多不一样的想法,透过RHETT的眼睛,我似乎比较明了了一些人生中遇到的困惑,但随之而来的是另外一些不解。


  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(八):Rhett and Scarlett --经典段落

  I like you because i have those same qualitites in me and like begets liking. I realize you still cherish the memory of the godlike and wooden-headed mr wilkes ,who's probably been in his grave these six months,but there must be room in your heart for me too. Scarlett, do stop wriggling !i am making you a declaration.i have wanted you since the first time i laid eyes on you, in the hall of twelve asks, when you were bewitching poor charlie hamilton. I want you more than i have ever wanted any woman-and i've waited longer for you than i've ever waited for any woman .

  I 'm not asking you to understand or forgive,i dont give a damn whether you do either, for i shall never understand or forgive myself for this idiocy. I am annoyed at myself to find that so much quixoticism still lingers in me. But our fair southland needs every man, didnt our brave governor brown say just that ?not matter, i am off to the wars ."he laughed suddenly, a ringing ,free laugh that startled the echoes in the dark woods.

  he turned the horse's head into the driveway, and the cedars ,meeting over their heads , cast them into midnight blackness,[peering to the long tunnel of darkness ,straining her eyes, she saw ahead -or did she see?were her tired eyes playing her tricks?--the white bricks of tara blurred and indistinct.home!home@the dear white walls, the windows with the fluttering curtains, the wide verandas--were they all there ahead of her, in the gloom? Or did the darkness mercifully conceal such a horror as the macintosh house?

  The avenue seemed miles long and the horse, pulling stubbornly at her hand, plopped slower and slower. Eagerly her eyes searched the darkness, the roof seemed to be intact . Could it be --could it be--? No, it wasnt possible. War stopped for nothing, not ever tara, built to last five hundered years ,ot could not hat passed over tara

  Then the shadowy outline did take form. She pulled the horse forward faster, the white walls did show there through the darkness,. And untarnished by smoke. Tata had escaped !home! She fropped the bridle and ran the last few steps, leaped forward with an urge to clutch the wallls themselves in the arms.

  he gazed at the blackened stones and ,for the last time, she saw twelve oaks rise before her eyes at it had once stood, rich and proud, symbol of a race and a way of living, then she started down the road toward tare,the heavy basket cutting into her flesh,

  Hunger gnawed at her empty stomach again and she said aloud:"as God is my witness, as God is my witness, the Yankees aren't going to lick me. I' m going to live through this, and when it's over ,i'm never going to be hungry again. No. Nor any of my folks, if i have to steal or kill- as God is my witness, i'm never going to be hungry again."

  he turned away and started back toward the house across the rough fields , twisting her hair into a knot upon her neck. Aslhey watched her go and saw her square her small thin shoulders as she went . And that gesture went o his heart, more than any words she had spoken.

  While in town, he spent most of his time gambling in the rooms above the Girl of the Period Saloon,or in Belle Watling's bar hobnobbing with the wealthier of the Yankees and Carperbaggers in money- making schemes which made the townspeople detest him even more than his cronies, he did not call at the house now, probably in deference to the feelings of frank and pityy who would have been outraged at a male caller while scarlett was in a delicate condition. But she met him by accident almost every day. Tome and again, he came riding uo to her buggy when she was passing through lonely stretches of peachtree road and becatur roand where the mills lay, he always drew rein and talked and sometimes he tied his horse to the back of ht buggy and drove her on her rounds, she tired more easilly these days than she liked ot admit and she was always silently grateful when he took the reins, he always left her before they reached the town again but all Atlanta knew about their meetings, and it gave the gossip something new to add to the long list of scarlett's affronts to the proprieties.

  he wondered occasionally if these meetings were not more than accidental. They became more and more numerous as the weeks went by and as the tension in town heightened over negro outrages, but why did he seek her out ,now of all times when she looked her worst?certainly he had no designs upon her if he had ever had any,and she was beginning to doubt even this, it had been months since he made any joking references to their distressing scene at the yankee jail. He never mentioned aheley and her love for him. Or made any coarse and illbred remarks about "coverting her"she thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie, so she did not ask for an explanation of their frequent meetings, and finally she decided that .because he had little to do besides gamble and had few enough nice friends in atlanta, he sought her out solely for companionship's sake

  As they jolted slowly down the darkening road, her head on his shoulder, her bonnet askew, she had forgotten the gerald of the last two years, the vague old gentlemen who stared at doors waiting for a woman who would never enter, she was remembering the vital, virile old man with his mane of crisp white hair , his bellowing cheerfulness, his stamping boots, his clumsy jokes, his generosity.she remembered how, as a child ,he has seemed the most wonderful man in the world, this blustering father who carried her before him on his saddle when he jumped fences, turned her up and paddled her when she was naughty, and then cried when she cried and gave her quarters to get her to hush, she remembered him coimg home form charleston and atlanta laden with gifts that were never appropriate , remembered too, with a faint smile through tears, how he came home in the wee hours for court day at Jonesboro, drunk as seven earls, jumping fences, his rollicking voice raised in "the wearin' o' the green"and how abashed he was, facing ellen on the morning after, well . He was with ellen now.

  Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments, my dear scarlett---i mean, my dear mrs kennedy, it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past the friendship i have had in my heart for you has ripened into a deeper feeling, a feeling more beautiful,more pure, more sacred, bare i name it you? Ah!it is love which makes me so bold!

  quot;Rhett, it would be a lie , and why should we go through all that foolishness ?i'm fond of you, like i said. You know how it is, you told me once that you didnt love me but that we had a lot in common. Bot rascals,was the way you--"

  quot;oh, god!"he whispered rapidly turning his head away."to be taken in my own trap!"

  quot;what did you say?'

  quot;nothing ."and he looked at her and laughed but it was not a pleasant laugh."name the day,my dear,"and he laughed again and bent and kissed her hands. She was relived to see his mood pass and good humor apparently return ,so she smile too.

  He played with her hand for a moment and grinned up at her,

  quot;did you ever in your novel reading come across the old situation of the disinterested wife falling in love with her own husband?'

  And i was drunk and insane and i wanted to hurt her--because she had hurt me, i wanted to - and i did- but she didnt want me. She 's never wanted me.she never has and i tried- i tried so hard and --

  And i didn't know about this baby till the other day- when she fell.she didn;t know where i was to write to me and tell me--but she wouldn't have written me if she had known. I tell you--i tell you i'd have come straight home-if id only known-whether she wanted me home or not...

  o ,by god ,you dont understand!you cant understand !you are --you are too good to understand. You dont believe me but it's all true and i'm a god. Do you know why i did it? I was mad, crazy with jealousy .she never cared .she doesn't love me . She never has . She loves--

  What a fool i've been,she thought bitterly."and now i've got to pay for it. What i've wished for so often has happened. I've wished melly was dead so i could have him.and now she's dead and i've got him and i dont want him. His damned honor will make him ask me if i want to divorce thett and marry him. Marry him ? I wouldnt have him on a silver platter!but just the same i've got him round my neck for the rest of my life. As long as i live i'llhave ot look after him and see that he doesnt starve and that people dont hurt his feelings, he 'll be just another child, clinging to my skirts, i've lost muy lover and i've got another child, and if i hadnt promised melly,i'd ---i wouldnt care if i never saw him again.

  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(九):gone with the wind

  2014-1-23 21:54

  I have been trying to write a special review for this book. But the longer I delay doing this,

  the fewer I hold on to. So far this book has been the no.1 tome on my reading list, which has 868

  ages. The narrative covers ups and downs of some people in southern America during a period of a decade.

  I was obsessed with two characters--Rhett and Melly. Before I have my own faith, I find Melly

  an untruthful person. No one can be that innocent and sweet. But I believe Melly's faith

  in God and her husband endowed her with inner strength on which Scarlett's tough side was relied,

  even to her surprise.

  Rhett is one of my favorite character ever. You would know if you read the book. Fatherhood

  urely transforms him. But no less charming.

  In that certain period of time, life turned upside down for southern people after civil war.

  ome chose to look back and lived in the past, some refused to look back because that hurts.

  Every once in a while I ask myself that quesion--what would you do if I were in that position.

  ut I have no answer. I am not sure if I can weather through hardship like Scarlett or stuck

  in the past as Melly's husband. A well put by Scarlett " I'll think of it all tomorrow"

  《Gone with the Wind》读后感(十):Dearest one ,do you remember

  Dearest one ,do you remember

  When we last did meet?

  When you told me how you loved me ,

  Kneeling at my feet

  Oh,how proud you stood before me

  In your suit of gray

  When you vowed from me and country

  e’er to go astray

  Weeping sad and lonely

  ighs and tears how vain

  When this cruel war is over

  ray that we meet again

  ---------Gone with the Wind

  Describe all the feelings i had while reading this book. It is not a book that you can tell about, it is a book that need you to read and to feel it by yourself.


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